Hi, I’m Paula, and I’m the owner, writer, and chief joke maker at dimplesonmywhat.com.
I’m a chronic over-sharer and relapsing Dr. Pepper® addict who might have once taped her underwear together with panty-liners. I believe pyjamas are a love-language and I love Jesus more than Honey Barbeque Fritos®.
I’ve been married to Mike for 35 years, who I only dated for a month before getting engaged and then married six months later. Together we have two sons, two daughters-in-law (funny how that works), and six grandsons. I swim in a sea of testosterone and don’t mind one bit.
We both grew up on the east coast, hundreds of miles apart, but for the past 27 years, we have made our home in a small Mayberry-Esque Midwestern town. It’s miles from exciting, metropolitan, or fashionable, but it’s just my speed.
About the Blog

On this lifestyle blog, I share beauty and fashion inspiration and styling tips for women who are over 40 and full-figured; around here, we like to call it “fluffy.” As we mature, it can be hard to come to terms with the changes our body goes through, but I’m here to help you find peace with it and remind you that your worth is not determined by the size of your body (or pants).

Although we’ll primarily talk about fashion for fluffy chicks, I’ll share recipes and personal inspiration to help us get through the hard stuff in life, and it’s all sprinkled with a bit of humor.
Haven’t you heard, a merry heart is like medicine to the soul!