this IS my fighting weight

You’ve heard the term “fighting weight”? It applies to fighters getting to the weight class they want to fight in. Most often that means cutting weight. I feel like I’m currently at my fighting weight.…

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Paula’s a Fall-ah

Funny story! Well, kind of….. I fell! I fell in public! I fell on government property! In front of what felt like a bazillion people! Guys, I can’t make this stuff up. Folly must follow…

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how to carry-on your entire beauty routine – TSA approved

We’re heading into the busiest travel season of the year and if you don’t want to scrimp on any of the necessaries in your beauty ritual because you can’t fit it in that TSA approved…

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The Patience Muscle

If you ever want to measure how much patience you have, simply overnight with a couple of toddlers for a few days. Knowing how much patience you do or do NOT have ranks right up…

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diet addiction – it’s a THING!

I am addicted to DIETING!  This is not a Saturday Night Live sketch or a parody of an “Anything-anonymous” meeting. Diet addiction is real to me and much like others with addictions, I have set…

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