My Mom, Breast Cancer Warrior

What better way to honor women on National Women’s Day than to talk about our boobs. We all have them and we’re all at risk for breast cancer. I want to tell you about my…

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keep marriage happy

fundamentals for a happy marriage Marriage. I’m far from an expert on the subject of marriage. My own 32 years of holy matrimony have been far from perfect. But based on those 32 years in…

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Best Temporary Root Concealer

One of the toughest weeks in the life of an aging woman is the one before your hair color appointment.  Since it’s not always hat season, a temporary root concealer is a good alternative. I’ve…

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the cedar palace – tale of a remodel

I NEVER thought we’d ever remodel a home. We have bought or built many homes in our 32 years of marriage. I have been really spoiled because every one of those houses has been brand…

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another holiday, another puke story

Once again our holiday season brought with it sicknesses of multiple strains including ear infections, bronchitis and the most dreaded of all – a “stomach bug”.  Ugh! It also brought about a lesson in renewal…

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