Does the FASTer Way to Fat Loss REALLY Work?
Can the FASTer Way to Fat Loss work for a 54-year old fat girl who’s a hot hormonal mess? You’ll have to keep reading to find out.
View PostCan the FASTer Way to Fat Loss work for a 54-year old fat girl who’s a hot hormonal mess? You’ll have to keep reading to find out.
View PostFriends I’ve been feeling pretty rotten about myself lately. I know, I preach self-acceptance and all that but it happens to the best of us. So, why would I want to take pictures of my offensive stomach and the ladle size dimple on my buns? To show you that it doesn’t take an industrial strength shaper to smooth things out and make you feel a little better about yourself. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite affordable shapers for everyday wear and special occasions.
View PostCan Fashion Influenced Social Media Be As Unhealthy as Pornography? My self-esteem or more exactly my body confidence has taken a hit recently. Sure, I slap on a happy face and put pretty pictures on…
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