Another Perspective Lesson from Littles
When we were little we looked at a lawn full of dandelions as a field of beautiful wildflowers, but now we call them an eyesore and a sign of a neglected yard. But last week, on a particularly hard day, two of my littles gave me gifts that caused me to change me to see the beauty in weeds.
Welcome to My Pity- Party
Last week I was feeling down about myself. Not only about my weight and appearance in general (because even the most positive person has bad days) but I felt like a big ol’ failure in the world of online influencers when I compare my “numbers” or the lack thereof, with other influencers and bloggers. I know everybody tells you not to do it, but they’re usually the ones who are making money and attract followers like magnets.
And the final straw was lamenting the loss of my singing voice due to swollen cartilage in my throat and so far there has been little improvement and no new answers. Y’all, I have sung since I was a little girl! Seriously, I sang in a gospel singing group with my dad and his brothers. This is like losing a part of me. 🙁
In general, I had a bad case of the “can’t help-its”. That was what my mother-in-law calls a pity party. But, one can’t go around with their face dragging the floor when you have littles around. And so I kept my head up, but deep down I was depressed.
But then a handful of weeds and a post-it note changed my perspective.
Scribbles or Love Notes?
Early this week I had three of my Littles while their parents worked and before I took them home they asked to get a prize out of the “treasure chest”. It’s just a basket with trinkets I pick up at dollar stores. The six-year-old chose a pack of colored mini pens and as we were getting ready to leave he asked me for some paper so I gave him part of a stack of Post-its. After I told him how to spell “love”, he left me a little note stuck to my nightstand that said, “I love MomMom.” I know, aww. Now hold that thought.
It Took a Child Find the Beauty in Weeds

That same evening after dinner, The Mister and I were going to FaceTime with the other set of Littles but decided to see if they wanted us to pick up ice cream treats and bring them over to enjoy while we sat out in the yard. After we finished our ice cream the 5-year-old asked if I would push him “really high” on the swing. Sure, Buddy!
As I was pushing him, he asked me if I liked flowers. Of course, I do. He then gestures over to the left and tells me that after I got him high enough I could go over and get all the flowers I wanted… for free. There were yellow ones, purple ones, and white ones. And he reiterated that they were “ free to take”.
It took me a minute to get it. But then as I looked over at the early spring lawn and saw all the dandelions and other flowering weeds, it dawned on me that we see what we want to see. If we see weeds we have weeds. Meaning, we have a lawn that won’t be “beautiful” until those weeks are gone.
Are We Relabeling What God Already Called Beautiful

My Hubs made the point that in our desire to have perfectly manicured, weed-free lawns, we have labeled those flowering “grasses”, weeds. God didn’t call them that. In fact, the Bible specifically talks about how beautifully God “clothes the grass of the field”. Matthew 6:30
If We See Weeds, That’s What We’ll Have
So, if like my little Eli, we choose to see the weeds as beautiful flowers, we already have a garden full of limitless flower arrangements to look at or to offer for free 😉 to someone who needs to be reminded that there is beauty in everything. The beauty of those weeds offered me a gift of knowing that sometimes there is a purpose in the things we think are ugly and unnecessary.
That night before bed, when I looked at that painstakingly written note on the Post-it paper and my little bundle of “weeds” in a spice jar vase, I saw that I had actually been given a lovely bouquet and a love note. How lucky am I?
And, I went to bed with a fresh perspective from my Creator that maybe I was looking at my other “issues” in the wrong way.
Beauty for Ashes

Even when we can’t see how on earth God could turn our mess into our message, our heartache into joy, or make our brokenness whole, He can. He gives us beauty for the ashes of our lives.
Right now, I can’t see how losing my voice or my constant struggle to turn my blog into a business will turn out beautifully or successfully. But, I don’t have to see it. I only have to trust that He’s got things handled on His end and that perhaps He’s protecting me from or propelling me to other things by closing certain doors.
But, what I do know is that like the Post-it note turned love note and the transformed bundle of weeds to a beautiful bouquet, we have to choose to see the beauty in the mundane and ugly, hard parts of life because God already has a plan to turn them into something good and beautiful.

What Beautiful Thing are You Calling a Weed?
What are some of the weeds you see around you right now; the one it’s hard to fathom how it could turn out positive? It’s a struggle, I know. But perhaps what we see as problems aren’t nearly as damaging as we think they are. We only have to trust that God and ask Him to help you see the beauty in weeds!


Thank you Paula. I love your blog. I’ve said it before, but you are very real. I see some bloggers with $300 hair dryers, purses, etc, and it makes me wonder. I don’t live in that world.
I love your blog and your authenticity! Its not about quantity but quality. We all judge ourselves harshly against the worlds standards…. But who makes these standards? And who says they are accurate?
You have built a community of real people: take pride in that.
Thank you so much Elena. I often tell myself the same thing. My “territory” is the one God intends to to blessed by the message He gives me.
Thanks for the reminders! We are very blessed to be healthy and in no financial worries right now and I have found that after the first couple of weeks, I have adjusted to this new phase in our lives. I hope it ends soon but we will be ok. Praying for those with worries and loss. Woke up last night to a tornado warning and thankfully nothing close by happened but was thankful as we all day huddled in our hallway corner that we had space to all sit comfortably with blankets and pillows (next we will remember our bike helmets!). God is merciful!
I’m so glad you’re safe Mireille. Several years ago my brothers home in TN was destroyed by a tornado while they huddled inside. My nephew said he never knew 4 people praying would sound that loud. Praise the Lord for His mercies.
Awww….I love your flowers…and your blog….and your humor….and your Spirit. Don’t give up. God is constantly working on us. We are His masterpiece and He is making us better every single day despite what we may think are losses. If He takes away your singing voice, He will give you another voice 😍
Thank you sweet Kimbee! I believe it, it’s just that some days are harder than others to see it.
Just wanted to say thanks for being real and genuine. You are so lovely and thoughtful, sometimes though it is hard to keep a great perspective when things around you are very challenging.
I believe that God is teaching you and us through all of this and he never lets us down.
much love
Short & sweet…Love your blog! I am never disappointed in its content.
I love your blog! Thank you for changing my perspective!
Just what I needed to hear today. Thank you! I enjoy your blog very much.
We are all experiencing those pity party days. Mine come in waves after I visit a store that I must run in , masked, grab what I need and get out. That’s NOT my idea of shopping! LOL
I miss a lot of things I took for granted. But then something unexpected happens like that sweet note from your Little.
Thank GOD he sends us those signs.
For me I have 2 unexpected things to do this week, and guess what? They were told to me on Easter Sunday!
Ooo, I hope they are fun things to do! We try to make our own fun, like car dates through a drive-thru or nature walks…. it’s been lovely in some ways.
I just knew we were kindred spirits. I too was raised singing in a Southern Gospel Group with my mom and others. It has been hard on me to be “old” now and not relevant as a “singer” any longer. I always identified as “you are that singer”. Now I’m too old to sing on the Worship Team, etc. we have all been replaced with young, cool, acoustic guitar, hat wearing waifs. Don’t get me wrong, I love Worship music and can sing it with the best of them, I just don’t look the part. It is a hard phase when we realize we aren’t young and cool in our 50’s. It is a time of reinvention and looking for our new place in the world. I love being a mom to grown children, and Mimi to my only grand. My husband of 35 years and I have reconnected on a whole new level. Empty nesting is great and we are trying to see the good in our new rolls. Great blog today!
Aww, I get that. I was known as “the little girl with the big voice” and i was a worship leader up until about 10 years ago. We place a lot of identity in those “titles”. Being confident in who are in Christ and knowing that we don’t need to be anything but His daughter helps put things into perspective for me a little.
Trust and believe He is working out all things for your good! Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light. He is good, he loves you and is with you. He has a plan, and it’s not one to cause you harm.
In this time of quarantine, it’s hard sometimes to remember not to loose hope. Sometimes I find myself getting sad that I can’t see my great grandson, my precious grand kids or their parents. But then I remember, God is working out all these things … for our good. And I will see them soon! They better be ready for some SERIOUS huggin’ 🙂 🙂
I look forward to your blog moreso than any other! Have a blessed day Paula ♥
What wonderful words of encouragement Cindy! Thank YOU!
Love & Big HUGS
Thank you. I needed this.
Gosh, isn’t this the truth Paula? We do need to look at our life with a whole different perspective sometimes. Thanks for this…I needed it.
You’re welcome Jodie. We must all be going through something right now.
Thanks for sharing! I always enjoy your blog 😍
Thanks so much!