Organize, Purge and Find Your Personal Style with Grace-filled Organization
One closet organizing tip that will not only create a more organized closet but help you purge in record time and help you pinpoint your style? Yes, indeed! I’m not just talking smack, and I’ve created a video so you can see this is a system I’ve implemented in my closet. I am so excited to share these tips with you, so let’s jump right in!

I’m Moving Closet Organization To the Beginning
I had initially planned for this post to be the second in the closet organizing series. However, due to some technical difficulties (A.K.A. I’m a technology dunce!) in me trying to figure out how to deliver to you a wardrobe planning tool through digital download, I’m switching the order. BTW – If you’re a MailChimp Whiz and can walk me through it, help a sister out! 😉
In the end, I believe this might be for the best because before we dive further into a strategic shopping plan, you will already be on your to a more organized space that looks nice and functions well. And you will be getting a better idea of what clothes you are and aren’t wearing.
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A Grace-filled Organizational System
I’m not ready to be an all-out minimalist, but I am craving simplicity and a life with less stuff. But, it can be hard to let hard-earned or once loved items go. I like to think of my method as a blend of KonMarie and PaulaMarie (that’s my real name BTW). It’s her idea to part with things that don’t spark joy or are so tight they squeeze sausage rolls into your flesh, but it’s my infusion of grace and a few simple tools that will have your closet telling you precisely what you should purge.

You Don’t Have to Be Organized but You’ll Look Like You Are
I’m not an organizing expert or a personal stylist, and I realize I’m making big promises today. However, organized spaces get me all tingly, and I think over time, if you follow these super simple methods using only a few inexpensive tools, you will see I have delivered on those promises. Can you tell I believe in this system?
I’ll let the video give you the details, but if you’re interested in reading a bit further, I’ve included some anticipated questions and answers below. And just below the video, you’ll find a list of the tools you will need.
The Video
What You’ll Need
I have linked these tools under the video description, but for those who want to stay right here and not head over to YouTube, here’s what you’ll need:
Hangers – My faves || The Hubs faves
Rod Dividers – These or these (THEE Secret Sauce of this entire system)
Basket or Bin – I like one like this
Folding Board (optional)

You Might Want to Know
1. Do I have to have a large closet for this closet organization method?
No, not at all! These simple organization tips will work whether you have a single rod, traditional closet space, and a chest of drawers or if you have a closet the size of all of Graceland.
2. Should I remodel my entire closet?
Again, no. I believe you will never regret the money spent on closet design but use the space you have.
However, if you’re going to be building or remodeling a home, I recommend calling in a professional. They design closets of all sizes every day, and they work with budgets of all sizes. My only advice is to choose an adjustable design so it can be reconfigured and added-to should your needs change.
If you’re in Northern Indiana, lower Michigan, or the Chicago area, I highly recommend Closet Craft. Rolando is a closet guru and geeks-out over closet organization as much as I do.
3. Do I need to purge my closet before I start?
No, this system will work in your closet as is. My method will help you see the clothes you aren’t wearing, giving you a nearly self-purging closet. However, you’ll be ahead of the game if you can do an initial cleanout.
4. How should I arrange my closet; by color or sleeve length or what?
Arrange the clothes in your closet anyway that looks visually pleasing to you. However, for this method to be the most efficient when you do start to purge, I suggest you group like clothes together. Shirts with shirts, pants with pants, etc. and then within each section, you can arrange them by color, sleeve length and so on. Once you employ this system, you will be able to purge in bite-size chunks. The video will visually clarify this.

Start the Plan Today for a Better Wardrobe Tomorrow
You can start implementing this today or at least in two days if you’re an Amazon Prime member. 😉 I am so excited that you are ready to take control of your closet. It’s a journey and one that I am still on as well, it won’t be done in one day, but you can stop fretting over it and let the system help you.
This closet organization system continues to help me better understand my style and give myself grace as I let go of the things I don’t wear. It’s allowing me to feel better and better about having fewer clothes because that’s all I’m wearing anyway.
Speaking of grace, putting oneself out there on video is humbling (thank you, old-lady downturned mouth), so I trust you’ll be gentle. But, it will be worth any embarrassment if you gain any peace or clarity in the area of your closet.
Let me know if you start using this system and keep me updated on how it’s working for you. I love to problem-solve.
Be Gentle with Yourself,
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Great Video! I have tried the Konmari method and like her system for folding clothes. The sparking joy part is not easy for me. I spend way too much time deciding what to wear. I am changing my closet to fall over the weekend as fall has finally arrived here in Ohio. I am going to implement your system to see what I actually wear. Hopefully it will help me narrow down to what i really like since holding each piece as Marie recommends didn’t work for me.
I totally agree with you on the “spark joy” method Anita!!! It simply doesn’t work for an over-thinker – and that is me BIG TIME. I will think I’m circles… “it sparks joy because I LOVE the color and maybe if I loose 10 pounds it will fit” and then I don’t get I’d if anything.
This is fantastic!! Thanks 😊 Ready to geek out even more, as I love organization too lol…. and your tmi’s are hilarious, keep’em coming 😂
Thanks, Paula. This was great! And perfect timing. My husband is out of town and I was going to work on my closet. Can’t wait to try this.
Perfect! My closet is super organized, but I should admit I also have three huge closets! I haven’t quite reached the point where I can say au revoir to many of my clothes…they still spark joy!
Great video Paula and I really like your method. I am an over-thinker myself so the Konmari system doesn’t work well for me. I ordered my dividers and next week I get started on a more organized closet.
I couldn’t agree more. It’s so much easier when your closet it organized. If you can’t see it, you forget it.
Great video. I had never thought of using a rod divider, but what a fantastic idea. It’ll be much easier to visualize what I do and dont wear using that method. Thank you for the inspiration
You’re welcome Chris. It’s great for those of us who need that visual to push us to get more hardcore in the purge department.
Have a great October and happy organizing.
Love this! Gonna give it a try.
Your rod divider tip is Genius! I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for the tips and I’m looking forward to your next video. Kudos Sista!!
Finally had enough time to watch this video- and it came at just the right time of year too, as it’s “out with summer/in with fall” clothing switch time for me! Great ideas and I’ll happily share them on my FB and IG pages… once I put them into play for myself and be able to give a testimonial that they worked for me! I know they will and I’m anticipating a Goodwill donation right afterwards too. Thank you for the ideas, Paula!
Awesome ideas!! So glad you shared these tips!! Can’t wait to start doing this!!
I used to talk to my girlfriend on the phone about every other Saturday morning and that’s when I’d go in my closet and clean it up. Now that we can talk in the car (hands free), I have to find other useful times to keep it tidy. However, I have always had an organized closet. I don’t pick out my work clothes the night before but everything in my closet is ready to wear (ironed, fits, etc.). I organize by sleeve length and then item (pants, dresses, skirts). It works for me and I can’t imagine having an unorganized closet! (Just don’t come to my laundry room….)
Ha! That’s what I say about my refrigerator. It’s scary in there.
Love this!
Thanks Steph. For me, it really takes the pressure off of having to make an immediate decision on items I’m not sure about. It lets the system make most of the choices for me.