DIMPLES DIARY End of April 2023

It’s snowing! It’s May first! Enough said!

Boy, oh boy, our weather has been nuts. Last week I went to breakfast and ran errands with my friend; that’s “girls’ day out” for us -we’re wild like that, 😉 , and I had to wear a sweatshirt, jacket, and a beanie. Well, I didn’t have to, but I was freezing. My friend was more optimistic than I was and wore a light spring jacket.

**Since I share shoppable links with awesome peeps like you, this content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action and purchase from one of these links, I’ll make a little money to help keep this blog afloat. As an Amazon associate, I also earn from qualifying purchases.


Picking up where we left off last week, we continue the grandkid chronicles and all their stuff.

The big news is our oldest grandson was baptized the Sunday before last! It was an emotional day for us because:

One – he made his decision to follow Jesus public!

Two – he chose his dad to go in with him, and his first choice for someone to come pray over him was his Uncle Matt (who couldn’t come because, well, his job is three hours away on Sunday mornings) (insert bawling emoji). This was one of those weeks that I missed my boy extra. But Poppy was the perfect sub and prayed a powerful prayer over our young boy who will be a great leader for Christ.

Three – Baptism Sundays are so powerful, and hearing the testimonies never fails to get me. One, in particular, was a woman in her forties who had been a prodigal. She said, “I was one he left the 99 to come and get.”

So if you’re praying for a wayward child, never lose hope!


I stopped at Panda Express for lunch while I was running errands and heading to an appointment last Thursday. I was jonesing for Chick-Fil-A, but road construction changed my plans. But I love Panda too, and their Honey Walnut Shrimp is so good.

You might be wondering why I’m telling you this boring fact about what I ate but bear with me. I had actually forgotten that I had planned to make a shrimp dish for dinner, so it was an extra shrimpy kind of day.

I made this delicious and healthy-ish Shrimp Florentine for dinner. It’s an adaptation of a Skinny Taste recipe for Fish Florentine. I’ve made it with both shrimp and fish, and it’s good both ways, and it comes together quickly, so it’s great for a weeknight meal.

This was on our menu on regular rotation when the hubs did his weight loss challenge. We had it over cauliflower rice then, but I used regular rice this week. However, it would be best over pasta!

Speaking of shrimp, Cinco de Mayo is in a few days, and these Honey Lime Shrimp Tacos would be delicious for it.


one || two || three || four || five || six || seven || eight

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve ordered some fashion pieces to try for spring. The verdict is out on whether any of these will work, but now’s the time to order before the larger sizes are sold out. They’re all from Old Navy, so they are size inclusive and don’t break the bank.

I also order a Stanley tumbler in the 30-ounce size that has a flip straw lid. I love my original 40-ounce tumbler, but the lid doesn’t seal for travel, so I’m hoping this one will fit in my car cup holder better and be easier to tote around the baseball field.

I’m still searching for shoes that support my feet and help improve my ankle/heel pain. I found out this week that I have retrocalcaneal bursitis…ugh! Anyone else? If so, did you get any relief from physical therapy?

I was told a slight heel or incline is best at the moment, but I went ahead and ordered these tried and true Ecco sneakers to replace the ones I have and cause me no issues. They are very beaten up, and I can no longer make the sidewalls white again. And then these neutral New Balance retro sneakers.

Speaking of that ankle, I had a little breakdown that night after the podiatrist told me to lay off walking for a while. WHAT?!?! I was getting back into it painfully, but I was powering through.


Let’s just say, the podiatrist made me do it. I ended up buying this inexpensive piece of exercise equipment (Years ago, I had something similar and enjoyed the full-body workout.) so I could work out without increasing the inflammation in my ankle/heel bursa. It’s simple to use but not easy, and since I’m not as young as when I was using it before, it will take some work, but I’m excited to get stronger this year. At least that’s the plan!


This was an inspiring week all the way around. Friends of ours head up a mission organization called Roma Learning to Fly (RTLF), and my mister sits on the board. It’s a ministry to educate and support the Romani people in Eastern Europe, predominately in Slovakia. These are some of the most impoverished and overlooked people in the world.

One of the local Romani pastors and his wife came to the US, and we attended a luncheon with them on Wednesday and heard what God has been doing in their part of the world. Pastor Merrick shared how, during the Russian/Ukrainian situation, when governments evacuated women and children from the borders, the Roma women and children were left because no one wanted them.

The men from their local church arranged transportation to rescue these refugees while church women prepared beds and gathered clothing and food. They were able to help nearly 600 Ukrainian Roma over those many months.

Pastor Merrick said, “Yes, these people need to know Jesus, but they’re also hungry, so we feed them; they are naked, so we clothe them.

Friends, this is what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

They are currently raising funds to be able to provide four meals a week for about 400 children, among other community needs. If you’d like to learn more about the Roma people and how you might get involved, click the button below.


trench XL; similar plus size || blouse || my jeans (I wear 18 misses); plus size || shoes || belt (XXL) || bag

I kept my look very casual for the luncheon and wore simple jeans and a white blouse. You can’t go wrong with that combo. I added a cotton trench from Everlane; the color is no longer available, but I highly recommend the trench. If you wear a plus size, check out this one from Amazon’s Aware Plus Size line.

I wore the same pictured Vionic Loafers but in gray and wore the same belt in the XXL. The jeans in the collage are not the ones I wore, but I have included the ones I wore from my favorite brand.

Have a fantastic week!


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  1. Congratulations to your grandson. I always cry at baptisms because they’re just such beautiful events. I love what Pastor Merrick said…we have to get people out of survival mode before we can do much else. That’s Maslow’s Hierarchy. Survival comes first. I saw it in too many of my students.

    I don’t have problems with my heel…just my bum foot which has been surgeried (I know that’s not a word) twice. I’m sorry I can’t give you any advice about physical therapy. I hope the shoes and your exercise equipment help. Add some sparkles and glitter to it! It can’t hurt!

    Oh, the Mister discovered Panda Express a few weeks ago, and it has become our sometimes twice a week dinner! And, yes, the weather in Indiana is definitely awful! We’ve had the AC on in the morning, and the heat on in the evening of the same day! I’m not sure what to expect of the coming weeks!

    Take care and have a fabulous week, Paula!


    • Paula

      You’re right Marsha, save them and then let Jesus save them. 😉

      And we’re playing thermostat roulette these days. Do we turn it off or on? If on, heat or cool? But, we’re be complaining about the heat soon enough… or at least I know I will. ☺️

      Have a fabulous week.


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