Where on earth does the time go? It feels like a couple of months ago when I said I would start a weekly newsletter… crickets….many months later…here I am, getting this thang going! You all had so many great ideas for what to call my weekly newsletter.
Still, I think I’ve settled on a diary or magazine-style newsletter to deliver some snippets from my life every week, including links to my and your favorites and highlights, and let you know what you might have missed on the blog that week.
If you follow me on social media, you might have seen my IG stories sharing that in the first part of the new year, I’ll be stepping back from brand collaborations and taking a social media sabbatical. I’ve lost myself over there, and I want to be more consistent with blogging and I have a plan to concentrate my communication more here.
In the future, I’ll be talking more about this but for today, let’s jump into the first edition of Dimples Diaries.
** This post may contain affiliate links which result in me earning a commission from your purchase without extra cost to you.
What I Did
I’ve been at my mom’s in Tennesee for almost two weeks now, and I think, in some way, we’re all recovering from her hospitalization and surgery. This week has been a week of tracking down colostomy supplies and feeling frustrated with a medical system where one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. Ugh!
And we’re helping her deal with her new plumbing system and encouraging her to lean into God’s grace to accept this thing that seems a burden to her but has been a gift to extend her life.

joggers wearing XXL || jean jacket wearing XL || t-shirt wearing XL || sneakers
What I Wore
I ALWAYS pack wrong! It’s been so warm here in TN, and I only brought two short sleeve white t-shirts to wear under jackets and sweaters, but I’ve been wearing one of them, alone, daily. It’s funny that I posted about a capsule wardrobe this week, and I’ve worn only one outfit from that wardrobe for the last two weeks alternating the joggers with these wide-leg pants. I guess that’s technically a MICRO WARDROBE. 😉
What I Ate
Now that Mom’s home, we can eat more than grab-n-go food from the hospital cafeteria. My sister made an easy, comforting potato soup with cream cheese similar to this one. I could eat it for every meal!

one || two || three || four || five
What I Bought Recently
Just because I want to simplify my wardrobe, since I had my colors analyzed, I’m still trying to replace some items with my best colors. The theme of some of the recent purchases has to be COZY. I haven’t received everything yet, so I can’t review every piece, but I will tell you that this shirt is the BEST Amazon fashion purchase I’ve made in a long time; it’s COTTON and feels so cozy and luxurious!

one || two || three || four || five
What’s in My Cart(s)
I always seem to have things sitting in my online shopping carts; I’m either waiting for sales or practicing restraint like when I do my No-Buy shopping seasons. Here’s what’s currently on my wish list and since Old Navy has 50% off this weekend, some of these may be on my Recently Purchased list for next week. 😉
We’ve watched lots of video series and movies this week as my mom convalesces. She has a penchant for choosing depressing things, so my sister and I have stepped in and guided some of the most recent choices. We watched an oldie but a goodie, Baby Boom, currently on Amazon Prime. I love Diane Keaton. But Christmas movies reign supreme, with The Holiday being one of my favorites.
What Inspired Me
As I’ve been trying to encourage my Mom during this extremely difficult time, I find myself coming back to Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Phillipians 4:8
I get it; when we’re the ones in the mire of our struggles, it’s so easy to get locked up looking inward at only the hard things. But, friend, God helps us to remain in His peace when we think about all the lovely, pure, and admirable things. To me, these things are God’s promises –
God will never leave us. He loves us. We are His. He cares about what we care about and is close to the broken-hearted. Remember those things and add them to your list of other lovely things in your life.
How did you like this format for a newsletter? It won’t always be this long; sometimes it will just be a quick check in.
Also, how do you feel about GIFT GUIDES?
I know every influencer and their brother are putting them out their and I’m not sure how I feel about them. They can be helpful but it feels like everyone is an “excess pusher“. Does that make sense?
It’s one of the reason’s I’m backing off of social media; everyone is selling something or LOTS of somethings. I realize it’s how we bloggers make money, but I recently read one of my blogging competitors IG biography and was perplexed. She only ever talks about clothes and makes fashion reels constantly yet her bio says:
“Lifestyle Blogger || Fashion Lover || Helping women over 40 navigate life (an then includes her tiny, petite clothing sizes.)”
I really don’t intend meaness but my inner struggle is how are we as influencers helping women navigate life when we only try to sell people stuff? And being a fellow influencer I know that lots of times its only because a brand provided us the clothes and paid us money to create the content?
Just thinking outloud and wondering if anyone else is feeling the same overwhelm? Feel free to weigh in in the comments.
I love this style. It’s like a breath of fresh air amongst all the in your face hype of IG. If I had to choose between your blog and your IG, your blog would win hands down, especially because I can dip in and out without losing where I am hahaha.
Thank you so much for weighing in, Hayley! Here’s to many more Saturday’s together. 😘
Paula, you are real and sometimes raw. A woman that all of us can relate to in one way or another! Keep going friend you’re the best!
You are such a lovely encourager Donna. THANK YOU for always being here.
“ how are we as influencers helping women navigate life when we only try to sell people stuff?”
I’m not a minimalist but I’m tired of the constant push to buy, but, buy. I don’t need a gift guide but I do like genuine information about a product or item the blogger/influencer REALLY uses and enjoys.
I feel the same with clothes. I want to know what a blogger/influencer really wears and enjoys, plus what they have added to their wardrobe each season to stay modern and current (not trends). I want honesty!
I love that you keep it real. I much prefer a blog than IG. Sending a prayer for your mom and you for strength and grace to navigate this difficult season.
Oh, Jan, that you so much for your thoughts. I love you to pieces and I appreciate your prayers.
Same. jan said it all better than I could have, so I will just say same!
She did say it all PERFECTLY!
Hugs to you Elle!
This is wonderful! What a refreshing and honest view of life. I have felt the same way about “influencers” becoming “salespeople”. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know they say they only share what they love, but it`s hard to get to the heart of a person when all you see is dollar signs. If I can say, I really think the title “influencer” is tossed around a little too much these days. I enjoy your blog format Thank you for sharing all that you do.
Thanks for your thoughts Jodi. I totally agree about the term “Influencer”. We have to be careful who we allow to influence us.
Thank you so much for considering who and what we are. Thank you for your kindness and keeping it real. I loved this!
Thanks so much Linda. It’s so important to consider how we’re “influencing” people, no matter if we’re “bloggers” or not.
Thanks for sharing. I love this format! I look forward to your posts because you keep it real.
Thanks so much Judy.
First, I love Dimples Diaries! I really enjoyed the format, how you group things, the links, and the inspirational message!
I agree that bloggers are constantly trying to push us to excess. I just turned 60, and I look at purchases in a whole new way. Do I really need this? Will I actually use it? Where will I store it?
I am looking forward to more Dimples Diaries, whenever it is convenient for you to send them. You have a lot on your plate right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Happiest Thanksgiving!
Thanks a ton, Ro. I’m doing the same with my purchases and there is so much I need to purge out of my home. I don’t think I’ll ever be a minimalist but I’m inching toward, “lessist”. 😂
Hugs to you and a Happy Thanksgiving too.
Hi Paula! First of all, prayers going out to your mom, you and the whole family….It takes a village…..my mom was 68 when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 BC, and passed 5 years later. It was a looong 5 years. Starting with moving her from Georgia back to her home in Northeast PA (her husband was divorcing her as well). My 3 siblings and I did our best to keep her spirits up and encourage her, so I get what you are doing. It’s a long road, and as you know, God is in control!
Secondly, love, love this format for your blog. Funny you mentioned about the “stuff”, as I think I’ve finally reached my fill. Of everything. I really enjoy seeing your clothing choices, as it’s reasonates with me and my size. Also, I enjoy reading about the grands, as that too is a huge part of my life style. Maybe share some gifting ideas for them, not only Christmas but for birthdays and fun outing ideas. Your home is gorgeous, so maybe how you’re changing things up with seasonal decor, using what you already have. I’ve had my fill in that area as well, too much stuff , I’ll just use what I have. Maybe toss in a blog on your favorite things, whether it’s something you had to purchase recently or just use in daily life. You’ve posted so many great things over the past few years that I’ve been following you! So carry on and prayers for you going forward with your blog!! ❤️❤️
Thank you, thank you Regina! You get it. It’s extremely hard to live so far away and I feel like I’m putting a lot on my sister in my absence. I was going to head home on Monday but I may remain for one more week because once I go back, I’ll likely stay for a bit since grand baby number 7 is due within the next month.
Thank you also, for supporting and encouraging me. Thanks couldn’t do this without you.
Oh, the push to buy! I’ve been burned by purchasing something an influencer “loved”, only to realize I never saw that product again on her posts or videos. Life struggles, finding our place and dealing with older parents is part of life we need to talk about as well. Thanks for your honesty, humor and expansive content.
Oh my goodness YES, Bev! I watched a reel made by the same referenced influencer where she’s sharing a top she “loves so much” and how she’s going to wear it, yet the tags are still hanging off of it. It took everything in me not to comment, “But apparently you don’t love it enough to remove the tags, so I’m pretty sure you’re sending it back.” And oh the “dressing room try-on hauls”… you know they didn’t buy that stuff… it’s why they went to the store instead of showing it to us at home. 🤦🏼♀️ (I don’t mean to pick on her, she just a minute representation of 1000’s of other “excess dealers”.) OVER IT!
Anyway, thank you for being here and encouraging me!
Much love,
Paula, I feel you hit the nail right on the head! I’ve followed some bloggers for over 8 years since I left a very stressful teaching position. (I was a director of a church based preschool) At first they were fun to read and distract me from everyday trials. I loved their stories and helpful hints. But now they ALL want to sell me something. It’s so funny because right before I went on my computer I was thinking that I need to give up social media (or at least cut back) in the new year and here you are telling me thats what you’re doing! I agree so MUCH!
I LOVE your sense of humor, your love of God, the way you help us curvy girls cope. I think this newsletter is GREAT!
Keep up the wonderful work you do!!
I’ve seen so many others, including other “influencers” feeling this same increasing stress level and unease yet we don’t recognize it’s coming from this overstimulated part of our lives that we think of as an “outlet”. I realized that’s where my stress and discontent was coming from when began to assess how much better I felt on days I didn’t engage there.
Good for you for recognizing it too and being proactive to take steps to change it.
Thanks a bunch for being an encourager to me!
Love the format. Love the honesty and truth you shared. Thank you.
You my dear Paula are a breath of fresh air in this crazy, materialistic, social media world! Even though I’m at a stage in my life where I can buy things for myself without guilt, I find I need and WANT less. Too many times I was sucked into buying stuff that was “amazing” only to get it and it was blah. Then, who doesn’t feel guilty for wasting money? I find myself unfollowing more influencers and following cooking, gardening and even some adorable animal IG accounts. I enjoy you. I enjoy seeing your littles…. ( I am blessed with 10 ) I enjoy seeing pictures of your hubby and your family. Stay true to your heart and you’ll never go wrong. Sending hugs to your family and prayers to your Mom!
Thank you so much for your prayers Charlene; we believe I’m miracles! Also, thank you for being an encourager to me… you are a blessing!
Love the newsletter! You are a breath of fresh air. One thing I find interesting with influencers is they will share something and talk about how it’s their favorite, yadda yadda yadda. Then the very next influencer is sharing the same item, saying the same thing. At that point it’s obvious it’s really not their favorite, it’s not an item they use everyday, they can’t live without, etc. Same thing with the gift lists that are shared. Many of the bloggers I follow all have the same things on the lists they’re sharing. It seems like so many are nothing more than sales people. On other things, I’m so sorry your family is having to walk through this journey but pray y’all are able to have peace and feel the Lord’s presence through it all.
Paula, I totally agree with you…the pushing of products, the lists for everyone, just the bombardment of stuff is very off-putting. I enjoy your blogs because you are real, what you see is what you get.
Thanks so much for your kind, encouraging comment, Trisia. You’re a blessing to me.
Love this format! You are so authentic. I am tired of reading about people who look like they have perfect clothes and lives. I am not on IG. It overwhelms me. I love blog style of communicating. Hope your mother continues to gain strength and acceptance of this new stage in her life. Loved your scripture for today. We do indeed choose what we focus on each day.
You’ve blessed me by being here Brenda. Kudos for ditching the social media trap… we’re all just an experiment to the creators who run those platforms- “how long can we get people to stay on here?…”
Hugs to you!
I liked the format.
Thanks so much Diane!
Paula, I love this format. Thank you for your honesty. I can’t handle all the selling either. You have a voice and I’m here for it. Hugs!
I’m so happy to hear that Renee. I think there are more and more people realizing that some of the angst and unease they feel in life is directly related to overstimulation and feelings of inadequacy social media breeds.
Thank you for being so real and so honest! I am so tired of the fashion blog world. I am 64, retired, and have more clothes than I have ever had or will ever need. I am ashamed of myself! Looking at these blogs that are only out to sell me things has become a burden and I am in the process of unsubscribing from most of them. I enjoy your style, your wit, wisdom, and just reading about how another woman who shares my size and values navigates this season in life. Blessings to you and prayers for your mother and family. The Lord will walk through this with you every step of the way.
Oh Karlee, that word “burden” resonates with me too. Burden denotes a heaviness, and that’s exactly how it feels. Excess is heavy – physically, mentally, emotionally and I’m ready to help lighten the load for you and for me.
First of all, I am sorry to hear about your mother’s difficulties. Praying for her and all of your family.
Secondly, over the past several months I’ve noticed a lot of the blogs that I follow have become more of ‘shopping’ blogs. There is less talk about lifestyle and women’s issues, and a definite push, push, push to shop, shop, shop. I enjoy fashion as much as the next person, but I don’t like this state of excess that I keep seeing. It’s concerning to me, particularly now when so many are struggling to pay for everyday expenses like food and utilities.
Love this newsletter and the name … always a pleasure for me to stop by! You are for sure the real deal, lady!
I love this format. Look forward to reading more of your experiences. Happy your mom is home and wrapped in the arms of her loved ones. Praying for all of you.
Thank you Joan. Mom’s getting better everyday but we won’t get pathology results and and a new treatment plan until Friday which is why I’m here another week.
Love your Dimples Diary! But mostly I love your honesty in everything you write. There are just a few bloggers that I get excited to see a post from and you are at the top of the list. Keep up the good work! God bless and happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks SO MUCH, Gayle. Happy thanksgiving to you too. 😘