Finding gifts for men can be a real pain. And being the mother to sons and grandsons, I ought to know. But this year I’ve asked the Mister to help me out and we’ve put together this men’s holiday gift guide for the practical and tactical man.
If it were me, I say, give all the cozy gifts, like this cozy valentine’s gift guide. But guys are a bit different and I can’t begin to explain why. They just are I guess.
However, my man says he would be happy to get anything on this list as he chose and owns the majority of it. But I added a few clothing items that I know he loves. Plus, we like our guys to look good. Right?

Clothing Gifts for Men
Orvis Quarter-Zip – He has several of these. You can sometimes find them in Costco.
Plaid Flannel Shirt – Remember when we used to always get our dad’s a flannel shirt for Christmas? Maybe that was just me.
Slim Extreme Motion Jeans – If your fella needs to be brought up-to-date in the denim department, start him here. I’ve turned both my dad and my hubs onto these and they’ll never go back to non-stretch jeans again!
Downlight Puffer Vest – Mr. Dimples has a thing for socks and vests, don’t ask me why. But this vest was his choice. This one was mine.
Olukai Loafers – My hubs loves these and they even fit his extra wide feet.
Skechers Slip-On Boots – These boots are a new addition to his work wardrobe as he is on his feet quite a bit. He loves them.
Slippers – Let Santa bring daddy his slippers this year.
Knit Texting Gloves – Always handy! 😉
Practical Gifts for Men
Clic Reading Glasses – These readers have a magnetic clasp at the bridge of the nose. They “click” open so they can stay firmly around the neck when your working. They hang on the pegboard in our garage ready for the next DIY project; we don’t want any accidents out there.
3M Bluetooth Headphones – These are the headphones my husband uses to listen to his tunes when he’s mowing and even when he uses his backpack blower.
Mechanics Gloves – Hubby loves these gloves for working.
Wireless Charger – Make sure your guy’s phone is compatible with this super convenient charger.
Extension Grabber – We keep these grabbers in several locations around our place. They make reaching stray balls under bushes and more, a lot easier.
Ozark Trail Insulated Mug – In this household we prefer this brand over Yeti. We’ve tested them against each other and Ozark Trail is not only less expensive but performs better.
Minimalist Slim Wallet – No George Costanza wallets for us.
Tactical Gifts for Men
Gerber Paraframe Knife – This comes in two sizes and while the man of the house carries the bigger one, I have two or three of the smaller ones in my possession. Why? They come in handy for all sorts of things, like opening all those Amazon boxes. 😉
Pen Lights – Little boys and big boys alike never stop loving flashlights.
Tactical Pen Survival Gadget – Look out James Bond.
Leather Pocket Organizer – You’ve got to give him something for carrying all those cool gadgets.
Field Notes – Mr. D loves keeping notes on paper and these little notebooks are his preference.
Leather Notes Cover – These protect your notebook and look cool too.
The Best Gift I Ever Gave Him

I hope we’ve given you a few ideas for gifts for men in your life that won’t break the bank. And since My Mister has most of this already, I guess I’m off the hook. 🤣
In truth, we rarely exchange gifts because we get most things we want or need as we see them. But one of the best gifts I ever gave him was to program a new remote for our TIVO when the old one had been on the blink. Did you think I was gonna say, “our children”? We’re not the romantic😉
But seriously, think of something that means something to your guy or find a solution to something he’s been complaining about and set about to fix it. For weeks after I got that new remote up and running, every time he used it without issue, he said how much he loved having a working remote.
What’s one of the best gifts you ever gave a man in your life?
Happy-er Shopping

Great ideas, Paula!! I’m going to look into a few of those for my guy, as he’s hard to buy for (IMO- he thinks he’s a simple man with simple needs… HA!). He definitely needs one of those paraframe knives, or even just a jackknife! My dad never left home without his!! Speaking of my dad (whom I miss so very much), the best present he said I ever gave him was “a pie a month”. Every month, I’d bake him a different pie, for a year. Mostly seasonal pies, sometimes new ones he’d never tried, and always his favorites. He was one of those guys of whom you could say, “the way to his heart was through his stomach”!! I miss baking for him and seeing his face light up when I’d come over with a pie for him… Oh, and he definitely got a flannel shirt or two from me on Christmas! LOL!
Donna, I absolutely love your pie of the month club! Best idea ever!
The gift that keeps getting talked about is back when we were dating I flew in his best friend for a visit as a surprise. The ticket was for December 26th so I told him the package was late and I was so sad not to have anything On Christmas. I called him the next day saying the gift was here and when he came over he got a surprise! It was a great gift of time with a friend. I still remember going to airport with my sister and watching for someone we didn’t know what he looked like! This was 30 years ago before cell phones and email. So I had no picture, so too young ladies were staring at all the guys coming off the plane!! It was a delight to meet him. And so glad it worked out as well as I had hoped.
Kristin, those are truly the best gifts ever. Selfless, considerate, and special!