Sweater Skirts, Booties, & Food Boards top My September Favorites List

I’ve been remiss in my monthly favorites for the last many. Don’t worry, I’m not going to share four months of favorites in one post because most of my favorites are “all-time” favorited items anyway. But even though most of this month’s items are tried and true favorites, you’ll find a couple that are new to me too.

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SKIRT wearing an XXL Similar; Similar || TEE wearing an XXL || CARDIGAN wearing an XL || BOOTIES – TTS Similar|| WATCH || BRACELETS || FAVORITE EARRINGS

Another Great Sweater Skirt

I think I’m making it my new personal fashion rule that I’ll only keep an item if I put it on and say, “ahh”. 😉

Earlier this year I purchased this sweater skirt after seeing it on my petite friend, Shauna of Chic Over 50. I wasn’t sure it would work for my mid to plus size frame but, shazam, I was smitten. So soft and comfy. I recently found this solid black sweater skirt and while not as thick, it’s equally as comfortable and I think very flattering to a woman with curves. I can’t wait to style it with sneaker but it also works great with booties…

New Fall Booties

Okay, these booties don’t meet all the criteria for The Best Booties for Women Curvy (and Petite) Women, but the nude color and pointed toe still make them flattering for women of all sizes. They look great with sweater skirts, skinny jeans, boyfriend jeans, and pretty fall dresses. And even though they have a bit of a heel they are pretty comfortable. They also match my skin tone perfectly, which I now know to be called Tortilla. ;-D

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The Best Insert for Heeled Booties

Young Ladies, wearing painful shoes WILL catch up with you! I could write an entire post about this insert. The Footminder Catwalk insert is my SECRET for being able to wear a bootie with a heel. 

Honestly, my feet are so bad with Morton’s  Neuroma, rigid big toe (it’s a real diagnosis, who knew?), and plantar fasciitis, this insert has saved me from being banished from fashion shoes forever. 

NOTE – Even though they are sold as an insert for high-heels they are too big for me to get into regular pumps but are PERFECT for booties.

Cream for Softer Feet

While I’m on a roll and talking about feet, I just ordered my second jar of Organica’s Heel Defend Cream. As a manicurist, I have access to all sorts of professional, therapeutic foot creams and for overall moisturizing, I usually recommend an almost pure glycerin cream like Glysolid or Neutrogena’s Norwegian formula. But the 40% Urea in Organica’ formula along with tea tree oil and aloe, make this luxury foot cream a rich, treat that smells great and is beneficial for moisturizing and softening your feet.

You might also be interested in My Favorite Sanitizable Manicure &Pedicure Tools

Heating Pad

At the risk of sounding like an old lady, let’s move on from feet to backs. I have had back issues since my early twenties. Lugging two little boys who were 13 months apart didn’t help me out any. But somewhere during my mid-life the issues worsened and I’m not interested in surgery at this point. Over the years I have learned what inflames things although sometimes they can’t be avoided. When I’m in a bad flare-up a heating pad or Therma-Care Heat Wraps are my go-to treatment to relax the muscles spasming around the inflamed discs.

I’ve had many heating pads over the years and they all end up getting a weird crumpled shape and they never go back to normal. But this one from Amazon has taken me and Mister Dimples through quite a few back issues this year and it still looks as good and as flat as new!

Extra Large Wooden Tray – Food Boards

I have become obsessed with charcuterie boards and the bigger the better. Sandy from Reluctant Entertainer is the OG of epic food boards and is inspiring me to create and entertain more. Be sure to read the WELCOME section of her website. SO GOOD! I love her big round tray which is sold out but I’ve recently snagged a 15” X 28” rectangular board/tray at TJ Maxx. I couldn’t find it on their website, but this one is a bit bigger and I LOVE the rustic finish. 

Be sure to follow Sandy’s tips for making your board food-safe.

Sanity Saving Mask

Think of me what you will, but I’m totally over masks! I’ve been silent on the matter and don’t wish to start a debate about the efficacy of masks. But, if you have anything to say about it, try being an overweight, menopausal woman, who is moderately claustrophobic and putting on a fabric mask. I can’t even stand sleeping face to face with someone; it’s like their stealing my air. 

However, I won’t be outright rebellious and go without a mask if the establishment requires it. So, when I tell you this mask has saved my sanity you’ll know it’s not an exaggeration. My mouth is covered, my nose is covered and it’s impenetrable plastic and you can see my mouth!

This plastic shield mask is not accepted everywhere, Trader Joes for instance – I’m still mad I put on my other mask and went in. And it’s apparently not allowed at a certain dermatologist’ss office that I walked out of earlier this week, but that’s a story for another day. Let’s just say I might be dealing with anger issues too. Anyone else?

This face shield mask still covers everything it needs to so no projectile particles can be blown across the grocery store if I cough or sneeze on someone. Because as it’s never yet happened in my 40-ish years of adult life, I guess I’m due? (Insert eye-roll.) The mask can be sanitized with a wipe of disinfectant.

Binge Watching

With all the stress of sore feet and backs and masks, it’s no wonder we like to escape into a good binge-worth show. And what would my September Favorites be without a good show to watch?

We had pretty much exhausted all our British Crime dramas for binge-watching, but earlier this year we decided to subscribe to BritBox so we could finish out the last two seasons of Father Brown and the rest of Midsomer Murders. In my opinion, it has been money well spent for The Mister and me. Since we needed a new show to watch 😉 we started Death in Paradise. It’s another light-hearted murder mystery if there is such a thing. The Brits have a knack for creating mystery with a touch of quirky comedy. Love it! 

What are YOU watching these days? Whatever it is, I hope you’re able to step away from your cares and chaos to cozy up and enjoy it.


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  1. Renee Mathis

    Hey friend!
    I love your list. Keep ’em coming! We are officially moved to Louisiana now so I’m ready for some sanity. My husband and I LOVED Death in Paradise. Also Midsomer Murders, Foyle’s War, Shetland, Vera, Rosemary & Thyme, and Hinterland. Now we have moved on to All Creatures Great and Small plus This Farming Life. (Scottish farms! And sheep! And scenery!) Want to know the best kept British TV secret that is NOT TV? Cabin Pressure. It’s a BBC Radio show, 30 minutes, and you will recognize the stars. It’s hilarious! (Can’t we all use some good clean fun these days?) Find it for free on the Podbean Podcast app and be sure to listen to the 4 seasons in order.
    Renee, formerly of Texas and now of Louisiana

    • Paula

      I love YOUR list too! We’ve seen many of those with Shetland and Hinterland being tops in our book. But I’m gonna copy it into my phone notes for future reference.

      Thanks a bunch. Glad you’re getting your sanity back!


  2. Lana

    I love BritBox too…. Watched some psychological thrillers like “The Fall”. Also enjoyed David Suchet’s travel documentary of “Murder on the Orient Express”. Robson Green has two travel series that are stunning and great for arm chair travel with no jet lag or credit card bill: Tales from Northumberland and Tales from the coast. Kirstie’s Vintage Chic is a fun home decor show. If you tire of BritBox, Acorn is another British live streaming service with a free 7 days trial.

    • Paula

      Thanks Lana. We love Robson Green from Grantchester. We’ve thought about Acorn, but I can’t get Hubs to pull the trigger. 😉

      • Lana

        Acorn has a free trial so can check it out and cancel if you like. It has older shows. Britbox has newer shows. Its a nice alternative to Netflix which I’m boycotting for its “Cuties” shows – pedophiles’ dream of 11 yr old girls twerking in scantily clad clothes. Ugh!

        • Paula

          Good for you Lana! 👏There’s a lot of “junk” and immorality in entertainment in general. Guarding ourselves and our families is more important than ever. We’ve turned off many shows, that even our friends watch, because it “didn’t feel right to us”.

  3. I love Sandy and her blog. I’ve followed her for years. I love her charceuterie boards too . Though I still haven’t figured out how she keeps all the food hot for serving when it has to be prepped so pretty….lol.

    • Paula

      I’m betting she gets the warm stuff on the tray just before serving… although waffles would be hard. But THAT tray looks so delish yo me.
      Maybe you can use a warm (not hot) stone under the warm stuff. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. Haven’t watched a thing lately. But I have heard of those British mysteries. I love that skirt. I have something similar in another fabric and I love the comfort of it, it’s pull on and stretches. Tortilla skin tone lol! Pretty booties!

  5. You look so good in that skirt and sweater. Those booties are the perfect color. I’ve tried some inserts billed as being made for heels too, and I couldn’t get my foot in the shoe. What the heck? Happy weekend!!! XOXO

    • Paula

      I know, aren’t those I setts crazy?!?! But life-changing for booties! I just use one pair and refresh with double sided tape sometimes. 😄

      Enjoy the weekend!

  6. I LOVE Death in Paradise, and I’m a season or two behind in watching it. Might have to spring for BritBox at some point. My husband and I have been binging The Great British Baking Show for the past couple of weeks–we had never watched an episode and I wondered what the hoopla was about. Well, we’re hooked now. Such nice people, and who knew there were so many different kinds of baked goods. I thought I was a good baker, but HA, I don’t even know what half of the things are, and would surely not be able to reproduce them.

    I’ve also been watching the Agatha Raisin series. I’m able to watch for free on Hoopla, through my library system. If you have Hoopla in your area, it has a lot of British programming.

    • Paula

      I’ve never heard of Hoopla before Kathy. I’ll have to check that out. The only issue we’ve had with Death in Paradise on Britbox is that the last season 9 is not included in the subscription and we’d have to pay $23 to see it. So far we haven’t done it. My Hubs is furious about it. 🤣

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