Your Invisibility Just Might be Your Superpower
Friends, if being invisible, was indeed a superpower, I would be WonderWoman! I imagine I’m not alone. But I want you to know that when we feel invisible it may be leading to our greatest significance.
I thought I had written a post about being invisible on the blog before, but apparently, I’ve only written about my invisibility on Instagram. My obscurity was recently confirmed, and I shared about it in an Instagram story under “The Funny,” but for the sake of keeping you here, let me give you a quick overview.
I have Felt Invisible

For as long as I can remember, I am a girl who’s most likely to be overlooked. If there was a Mostly Likey To be Overlooked category in my high school yearbook, I’d be there. But I guess it’s invisible. 😉
There are times I prefer it this way, but there are other times a girl likes to be remembered or simply noticed.
Like when she’s sitting on the floor in her kindergarten story circle and the boy who kindly ate most of the class’s unwanted tapioca pudding snacks puked it all up. What does this have to do with anything? Well, he puked all over the back of her pink, beautifully splayed swiss dot skirt, and NO ONE NOTICED! Her invisibility is a problem in itself, but when that little girl is too shy to say anything, she rides home on the bus sitting in someone else’s stinky puke.
Fast forward nearly 50 years, and this girl (you know it’s me) is much the same, being overlooked and feeling invisible in many other circles even if it’s for good things and in her peer circles.
For instance, I was “forgotten” in a blogging peer group collaboration with a national sponsor. I had to watch as most of the other women in the group posted photo after photo of themselves in gifted tee shirts displaying their age while I never received one. Had this been a one-time incident, I could write off the oversight, but this is truly the “story of my life”, and sometimes it makes me wonder if I’m really so unremarkable.
My Invisibility Confirmed
But here’s a funny story that might confirm my invisibility. The Hubs and I recently sent off our spit samples for a 23 and Me genetic analysis. Mr. Dimples got his results by the specified time while mine kept saying, “PENDING.” But when I finally received the notification, I was told that although it’s rare, my sample didn’t contain enough DNA to analyze. Now, read that right. It didn’t say there wasn’t enough spit in the tube, but that there wasn’t adequate DNA in the spit sample. What?!?!
(Read this comically.) Could this really be why I’m always overlooked? Is my DNA footprint so small I don’t show up on this earth? Does this mean I can get away with murder? 😉

Please, I’m not vying for pity or compliments. I’m sharing this because I’m certainly not alone in feeling invisible. Chances are we’ve all felt invisible or overlooked at some point in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we are insignificant. Let’s say that again: We are NOT INSIGNIFICANT.
Sometimes invisibility really is the superpower we need to save the day or an entire nation.
God Uses the Invisible Ones All the Time!
I think God could very well design our cloak of invisibility on purpose. We may not have to wear it forever, but in certain circumstances, it has a purpose. God may be protecting us from leaping into a situation we aren’t yet ready. Perhaps He’s preparing us for what lay ahead. Or, we may need to fly under the radar to accomplish something specific. For instance…
BECAUSE they were Invisible
As I was pondering this, I thought of Moses’ sister, Miriam. Could she have carried baby Moses safely to the river without notice had she been a superstar attracting attention at every turn? Sometimes invisibility really is the superpower we need to save the day or an entire nation.
I also thought about David and how he must have felt alone and forgotten while he literally fought lions and tigers on his own. Why would God leave him in those circumstances? Did David cry out, “Lord, why have you left me all alone in these barbaric conditions; can you not see me here?” But when he walked out to face a giant, we see a guy prepared for what God had called him to do.
Perhaps the most exceptional example of God using someone of insignificance for His purpose was Mary, the mother of Jesus. A little nothing of a woman was just who was needed to pull off an unwed pregnancy in those times. Joseph hid her to protect her from shame or harm, but again, a popular woman in her condition would have attracted massive amounts of scorn.
They were exactly who God had created them to be, spectacularly significant because of their insignificance.
Each of these seemly insignificant individuals remained invisible until such a time as God chose for them to be seen. But they were never invisible to Him. They were exactly who God had created them to be, spectacularly significant because of their insignificance.

Like a Buried Seed
I love this analogy Steve Furtick used in his sermon, The Father Saw (When You Feel Invisible):
“Sometimes in your life when you are feeling the least successful, that’s actually the time that you are growing the most. Think about it like it’s a seed. When a seed is doing what it was designed to do, it is in the place of it’s greatest vulnerability. When a seed goes into the ground, just before it turns into something that can be seen, it is not only hidden, but it is also breaking. And at the moment that the seed is breaking apart, and at the moment that the seed is not seen by human eyes, it is doing exactly what it is intended to do. So for those seasons of your life where you seem insignificant, and those seasons of your life where you feel stressed, those may be the moments where you are becoming exactly what God made you to be.”
The bible says we were “knit together in (our) mother’s womb” and also that our “frame was not hidden” from God when we were made “in the secret place.” He knows our name and even the number of hairs on our head, whether anyone else can see us or not. (Psalm 139: 13-15)
Our preparation might be secluded and hidden from public view, but when it’s time to come forth, we can do so knowing that we are fully known and prepared by God.
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You are NEVER Invisible to God
I can’t explain my lack of DNA. It’s probably a fluke, but I’ll let you know if my second one comes back the same. But I do know that I don’t need DNA to be seen by God. Because as a child of God, I have the DNA of my Father.
So, if you feel invisible, overlooked, or insignificant, and you know God, realize that:
You are not forgotten.
God sees you.
He knows you.
And He has a plan for you.
When you feel invisible – You’re not invisible to God! He sees YOU. You are protected, nurtured, and prepared under God’s wing so that when the time is right, you’ll be ready for your close-up.
Be blessed, my FRIENDS!

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12: 6-7

This is so touching. You just wrote my life story here. But, God is using me for his purpose. May God bless you.
Isn’t it interesting how most of us feel the same Linda? It’s easy to feel forgotten but God knows EXACTLY where you are and why you’re there.
Beautiful story. I felt like I was reading about myself. Thank you for sharing.
😘😘😘 Thanks for always supporting and loving me Heide.
What a great post. I see you. Thank you.
That’s so sweet of you to say Cary Jo. Thank you.
This is so powerful . EVERYONE from time to time feels invisible or unnoticed. We have ALL struggled with feeling like this before. While those times can hurt us deeply, they can be a reminder to us that we are SEEN and LOVED by the One who created us and really the ONLY ONE who matters. I haven’t struggled with this all my life but have certainly had such times. One thing I have noticed, when we see other women who we think get noticed all the time. and have their stuff together. Talking with them you find out that they themselves struggle with this or other things. She of course, just like us need to get our worth from our Creator.I
Such a great REAL reminder this morning.
You’re right Marie! Some of the most gregarious and “noticed” people feel the most isolated.
Thank you so much for sharing this!! I’ve been going through some tough times at work and then we moved across the country. I’ve told my husband so many times that I feel like I’m walking around in a sea of strangers. This spoke to my heart!!
God sees YOU and KNOWS girl! Be excited about what He is doing in you right now.
Hugs & Prayers!
Fabulous post! As much as I’ve always loved your fashion posts, I am reaaaalllly enjoying the direction your blog has been heading in the last 6-12 months and the non fashion posts. Thanks for this message today!
Thanks so much for the encouragement Sarah! THIS is my heart and thanks so much for following along as I find my passion and niche!!!
A girl with your sense of humor will love this…..ya know those automatic sinks, toilet flushers, hand dryers, in public rest rooms? They never work for me! I wave, I jump, I do cartwheels. I’m a regular Barnum and Baily in front of those things and……nothing. Once in a while automatic doors don’t open for me either. It gives those around me a good laugh. Love your real life posts, Paula! God Bless.
Oh Donna, I feel your pain here too. It may be we’re too “light” for those sensors. I heard they pick up dark colors better. 😬
Beautifully said!
This is so good, SO GOOD. You know I struggle with this because of my situation. Lately I’ve really been praying that God would give me a feeling of contentment beyond understanding, and I have been feeling more peace here at home. I may be invisible to the world but I’m right where I’m supposed to be.
God chose you Tina. Maybe because He knew you could be content to take care of one of his precious ones. But don’t loose sight of what he might be preparing you for. 😘
All my love.
My goodness Paula, this is the way I feel sometimes. Sometimes it’s a good thing, other times not so much. I wonder if everyone feels this way. I do appreciate you and your blogs. Thank you!
Diane, I would say the ones who don’t feel like this are rare. Some individuals attract the spotlight while others of us are on the set crew… still important, but unseen. 😘
I just saw this today, it was truly written for me. I have always felt invisible not just in my past but in my present. Even in my own family.
What a great post! Many thanks!
You aren’t invisible … otherwise I would not have found your blog!!!
Many blessings to you!
Haha Beth. You make a great point in that we’ll be visible when and where and to who God see fit.
Yes I feel invisible a lot. I am 69 years old and when I am out whether it is at the gym, grocery or shopping. I have been overlooked when someone is talking to others in my party. It hurts so bad but at certain times I do not know what I should or should not do because I do not want to make a you no what out of myself.
Thanks for the blog to today it definitely hit home.
I don’t think interjecting yourself in a conversation makes you a 🐎 🍑. 😉 However, if the circle you’re trying to be a part of rejects you, then it’s their issue, not yours. Yes, it hurts, but ask God to lead you to “your people”.
You’re always welcome here. 😘
Thank you Paula for responding so quickly. Have a great week.
I have felt invisible most of my life. It usually left me feeling sad and alone – one of the many reasons I don’t like parties, crowds, etc. Thank you for this.
Hi Deb! I’m sorry you’ve felt this way but I hope you can now put this in a new perspective.
Much love ❤️ & big HUGS!
You’re very welcome Deb. Funny thing is, although I prefer “The Hermit Life”, I do okay once I’m at the party. I don’t like it, but I can fit in. Maybe because I’m used to being invisible so I don’t care what people think because they probably don’t see me anyway. 🤣
lovely. You have a way with words. I love how you shared a personal issue and tied it to the Bible. I know I need to keep doing that… taking my issues to the Lord and seeking His Words in all I do.
Thanks for your kind words M, they mean so much to me. All our answers are in the Word Kristin. Keep digging in.
Wow! Great post! Still taking care of my Mom after fracturing her hip, she was in the hospital for a week then rehab for a week & now at my house for almost a week. A little isolated from the world, which most of the time is fine. Thanks for sharing! 😊❤
Hope you’re getting a bit of time for yourself Malisa. But in all honesty, you’re walking through a season and you’ll never regret what you’re doing right now. God sees YOU and is placing the jewels in your crown. 😘
Thanks for sharing and lifting us up. Being introverted, it can be easy to be overlooked. We all have a purpose: some on the stage, some behind the scenes. Love the direction your blog is moving towards: from the heart. God bless!
You are correct Elena. We each have a territory of influence, big or small.
Oh, Paula, your words spoke straight to my heart! You were the girls with the puke on her skirt. I was the kindergartener so quiet and timid that, rather than ask if it was okay to use the bathroom, she simply peed while painting at the easel. A memory from almost 60 years ago, and yet, still echoing in my mind. I’ve tried to learn to speak up, and I’d like to think I’m bolder than that 5 year old, but the truth is, there are still many times when everyone around me is heard, and I remain the one with the one with my hand in the air who no one calls on. I am so very thankful that God knows me, hears me, and listens to me. Thank you, God!!
Bless your heart, Donna! Puke and PeePee Twins standing in the corner. 😅 God’s the only one that matters anyway.
Love love love this! Thank you.
God has Blessed you, indeed, Paula!!! HE sees you! Thank you for the reminder today. You always seem to know what I need, and when I need it! YOU are VISIBLE to me and I thank you for that and happy I ever stumbled across your blog. But there are no coincidences , right?!? Look for the lesson!! Bless you and your little pink polka dot skirt!!!
Thanks so much Jane. I appreciate all your support and love and it does my heart good to know you have been blessed by these words.
Another amazing post that hits home. I’m SO glad you are not invisible to your followers! 😊🥰
I’ve always been the shy introvert that never got picked and was always overlooked. It’s still pretty much the same now that I’m older but I think one thing it has taught me is “I” need to be bold enough to speak up – when the situation warrants it.
But seen by others or not isn’t what’s important – what is important is my GOD sees me and is there to minister to me when and where I need it (like through this post). ❤️
Keep doing what you’re doing! You truly are an encouragement to many!
You are right on target Gina, choosing our moments to speak up and be bold is key to being recognized. Also, learning that sometimes it’s just a good to remain invisible because God does see and he’s the only one who needs to see you. 😉
New to your blog. Love it! This post really hit home with me and my life as of lately. I do feel invisible. Most of the time I am ok with that. But sometimes it would be nice if someone just texted me out of the blue to say “hi” or “how are you doing”…I am always quick to send off a short text to someone when something I have seen. makes me think about them. Rarely ever does that happen to me. Oh well. Its all perspective. Right? Glad to have found your blog!
Hi Kim! I’m so glad to have you here. You sound like you’re a wonderful friend and as they say, we can’t change other people we can only change ourselves. Maybe you can think of your thoughtful acts of kindness as a ministry, one that you’ll only know the rewards once you get to heaven, 😉 because God ALWAYS sees you and what you do and he knows your heart.
I have definitely felt that way. In many areas, but especially friendships. THank you for sharing.
Hey Kirstin. Friendships can be hard between women. I wish they weren’t. But there are so many factors playing into it on both sides. 🥺
Your friend 😘
Thank you, Paula! I loved this Blog. I just happened to read this as I was googling “feeling invisible.” I want to subscribe:)