Keeping God Close is Like Keeping the Christmas Tree Up Year-Round

Godly encouragement for women, daily devotions, stay close to God

There’s No Safe Distance from God

I can hardly believe it’s the end of January already. Yikes! We put the Christmas tree away a few weeks ago, but I still miss it. This year when I first put the tree up and was basking in the glow all day long, I told Mr. Dimples, I didn’t remember how much I missed it being there. That got me to thinking about how that lighted tree in my living room was much like keeping God close at all times so I never get far enough away from Him for long enough to get used to his absence. There’s no safe distance from God!

Think about it; have you ever walked away from God or known someone who has, and initially, there’s such a big void that it’s almost visible? Maybe it’s guilt or sadness. Or perhaps a light has gone out inside. THE Light of the World. But then as time goes by, the voids get filled in with other things, and living without God feels completely normal.

Excuse my unstaged Christmas tree photo but…

I chose the unstaged Christmas tree photo above first because it was the only one I took of the tree from this angle. The kids had already arrived on Christmas eve and the guitar stand had been pulled out to be used as a pretend microphone stand by the youngest Little, that’s his thing. And the Home Goods bag contains a game we were gonna be playing in a little while.

But when I studied it a bit more it furthered the God and Christmas tree analogy in my mind. Think about it; there’s imperfection all around The Light but there’s also fullness and warmth being part of the family of God.

It’s a Slow Fade

Taking my Christmas tree down is the same way. Initially, it looks empty and weird. But then I get used to it again, and it’s like it was never there. Then Christmas rolls back around to remind me just what was missing.

Godly encouragement for women, daily devotions, stay close to God

For most of us, it’s a slow fade from God. We don’t make one big proclamation like boxing up a Christmas tree. But by the time we’ve slid the dimmer switch of God’s Light all the way off in our lives, we don’t even notice it. Before we know it, we’ve fallen away casually and gradually.

There’s No Safe Distance from God

Consider Peter’s and his denial of Jesus. He was previously adamant that he would never deny his beloved Master. I read a devotional recently that highlighted the scripture in Matthew (26:58) that mentioning that Peter follows at a distance during Jesus’s arrest and trial.

Just that quick, Peter had begun to leave some space between himself and Jesus. He may not have even realized he was trying to keep a safe distance in an instinctive effort for self-preservation. Because Peter let his eyes take in all the things going on around him and fear for himself, he let his guard down, giving too much space between him and Jesus, and he failed his friend.

If you’re like me, you never want to get used to living without the Light. We have to be willing to do whatever it takes to allow no gap between you and God. None of us, no matter how Godly, are above the temptations of the enemy.

There is no safe distance from God, where we can keep Him on the fringe for the tough times.

Be One of “Those” People

The good news is that we can lock the switch to “on” and never let the light go out.

How to Keep God Close

Guard your mind with the Word. Fill your heart with songs of worship. Gather with a like-minded God-loving tribe. Keep your thoughts pure by turning your eyes off of the things that would blind us to God. Close your ears to vile things and things that diminish God.

If you’re struggling you might find There’s Value in a Tribe an encouraging read.

Fill your house, and by “house” I obviously mean your life, so full of the Light of Godliness, you’ll notice if there’s dimming. Think of God as that Christmas tree and be one of those people who leave it up all year long.

I’m praying that we’ll keep God at the forefront of our minds and in our hearts always.

Blessings to you all week long.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
John 8:12

Godly encouragement for women, daily devotions, stay close to God

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  1. Linda

    A wonderful reminder. I am filling my heart with The Light my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God bless you and your family.

    • Paula

      Thanks Linda. Wishing you all of the same!


  2. Gina D from Texas

    Beautifully put! It’s amazing how quickly we can let “life” get in the way and start to put a distance between us and God. The keys are like you said – daily fellowship with the Lord in His word and presence. And fellowship with like-mixed Christians is key too.

    Have a blessed day!

    • Paula

      It’s definitely a slippery and blind slope isn’t it Gina. It’s like a kid who gets distracted from their parent and wanders well away before they turn and around and notice they’re lost.


  3. Deb Schmidt

    Thank you this was a wonderful reminder of what is important in our lives.

    • Paula

      You’re welcome Deb. It’s a simple-minded analogy but one that resonated with me.


  4. Irene

    Amen Sister.

  5. I like your blog but I do not like religious messages. I read it to see your take on outfits, not to read blble verses. Yuck.

    • Paula

      I’m glad you enjoy the outfit posts, Linda. Please feel free to skip those that are faith-based.


  6. Gina P

    Perfectly stated! Life is so full of ups and downs. Can’t imagine what it’s like for the one who isn’t a Christian & doesn’t have the hope we do, when things are going badly. I’m in love with your home & the casual comfy look of it! So light, bright & airy. Would love to see more pics of it! Please?? Lol! Maybe an instastory? I’m ready for a change at my house, wall color, decor, etc. I’m on the verge of donating all the seasonal decor I have & just going with a classic look, then maybe adding a seasonal item or two. With all our grandchildren activities, and our lifestyle, I’m losing that desire to be a slave to my stuff, if you know what I mean!

  7. J'Laine Bradley

    Such a great thought provoking word this morning. Thank you!

  8. /

    THIS!! ALL.THIS!!! Thank you for this wonderful post!!

    • Paula

      Thanks Sweet Rene!


  9. Ronna Snipes

    Love this post…thanks for sharing your faith and the “Light of Jesus” in a bold way!

    • Paula

      Thanks your encouragement Ronna. There has been so much great feedback on this post, but of course, I have been tested by the ONE that wasn’t. It caused me to waver for one second thinking that I maybe should just post fashion stuff. But God has been too good for me to keep it to myself. In light of the events going on in our world, we need Godly encouragement more than ever.


      • Gina D from Texas

        Paula – please don’t stop sharing your faith. It’s who YOU are – fashion is secondary. I look at your blog as a lifestyle blog where you share a little of everything – your faith is a HUGE part of that. ❤️

        If any reader doesn’t want to read a blog you share we are all free to do that. 😊

        And who knows … maybe a reader that didn’t want to read anything about God will end up being touched and brought to Christ. 🙏🏻

        Many blessings!

  10. kristin greene

    Loved this post. I also heard my Pastor talk this last Sunday about working on your soul. And one if his points was that you don’t notice the soul’s fading until you need to lean into it and it’s not the steady thing you thought it was. You post and that sermon are getting me thinking along the same lines. I think God is trying to tell me something. So thankful He never quits working on me. As I like to say I am a work in progress. I grabbed the book “soul keeping” Reading and joined a book group to talk on it. I hope that is leading to “keeping the lights on in my tree” as well as feeding my soul.

    • Paula

      That’s so good Kristin! I love your pastor said that it’s not the steady thing you thought it was. We are human and our natures, whether we like to admit it or not, are fickle. And I haven’t heard of that book, but I’ll be looking it up now.

      Thanks for sharing that.

  11. Mary

    Great word!

    • Paula

      Thanks Birdie! Love you.


  12. Gina

    I really loved this post. It touched many of the things I have been thinking about. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It was lovely.

    • Paula

      Isn’t it great the way God confirms our thoughts when they are focused on Him?!?!


  13. Heide

    Love this!! What a great way to remember 😊

    • Paula

      Thanks Heidi. It’s just my simple mind’s way of thinking about things.


  14. Poogie

    Amen! And thanks for the uplift and the reminder!

    • Paula

      Ahh, you’re so welcome! Glad you have been encouraged.


  15. Diane Sundberg

    I love this post! Your house is so pretty, and the unstaged photo is just keeping it real, the way you do with all your posts.

    • Paula

      Thank you Diane. We love it too. The view of the fireplace is one of the best in the house. It’s the only original thing that we kept, with some tweaks of course. 😉


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