Weird Things That Age You & How to Fix Them (Part One)
Are your accessories aging you? They might be. Well, it’s not the accessories themselves that are dating you. It’s the styling mistakes we make with them. So today, in the first installment of the Weird Things That Age You series find out what I think are the top Accessory Mistakes that Make You Look Old.
In my years of people watching and over-analysis, I’ve come up with a few ideas about why some people my age or even younger look older than their years. If I were a true comedian I’d be one of those who do observational humor. So maybe I’m an observational fashion blogger.

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Ageless Style Linkup
The Ageless Style Linkup is a group of 10 bloggers who once a month, take one style theme and style it in our unique way, proving style has no age limit. And this month, Julia of When the Girls Rule challenged us to show a style we think makes us look older. It was a perfect way to kick off this hilarious and possibly conversation-starting series.
Weird Things that Age Us and Weird Photos to Prove It
I have been wanting to write this series for a very long time. In fact, I took the “before” photos about three years ago but I’ve been sitting on these hilarious images because I wasn’t sure how to use them the best. Think of them as fashion parody because it was the kindest way of getting my point across. I couldn’t have put photos of the actual offenders on the internet without permission. And who would give consent to be a “what not to wear” “before” photo?
This is a funny girl’s guide to looking younger, so feel free to laugh and learn.

If you’re a blogger, you understand terms like click-bate and opt-in freebies and I thought these photos were too good (or embarrassing) to give away for nothing. I wasn’t going to sell them but I considered an email or e-book in exchange for subscribing to the blog. But alas, that’s more tech stuff to figure out and since it’s just little ol’ tech-less me running the show, you’re getting this info out of the kindness of my heart, and possibly in exchange for a little of my pride. But, if you don’t want to miss a post in this series, go ahead and subscribe to get new post alerts.
The two main accessories groups we’re talking about today are jewelry and scarves. Pretty hard to mess up, right? Well, unless you’ve come down with a case of “chronic scarf-wearing syndrome”.
Chronic Scarf Wearing
I’m serious, this is one of the very first “you might look old if…” observations I made. If you see someone who wears scarves ALL. THE. TIME. (you know who they are), especially those big blanket scarves, they are either already old or just look it.
Go on, start looking around and tell me I’m wrong. Are they trying to hide their necks, are they just artsy or are they really cold? We may never know.
Send them this post. 😉
Why Giant Scarves Make Us Look Old
As we get older we may want to cover up that sagging, sun-damaged neck. But our drooping jowls and double chins are already making our necks look shorter. And if we already have a short neck (my hand is raised over here) adding a scarf can make us look like a turtle with our head barely poking out of our shell. It’s even worse if our back is starting to get that dowager hump. 😉 What’s a girl to do?

How to Cure Chronic Scarf-Wearing Syndrome
An open neckline looks much fresher. It’s my opinion to save scarves for actual cold weather and even then, wear them in a way so they don’t bunch up around your neck.
Here, I’ve chosen a crew neck sweater underneath. It’s not my most flattering neckline but it keeps my chest warm and I’m able to wear my scarf a bit more open like a shawl. I could even wear it under a coat like this.
But, if you like to use scarves to add flair to your outfit, consider different ways to wear them that keep the bulk down and away from your neck.
Jewelry Mistakes
In my opinion, we have a few ways jewelry can age us or simply make us look tacky:
Matching Sets – Did your grandma have a matching necklace and earring set? Enough said!
Wearing too Many Rings – My husband once told me (yeah, he’s my source) that he read an article that said people who wore lots of rings were narcissistic. I can’t prove that, but it looks tacky.
Too Many Statement Pieces – This could mean wearing big earrings with big necklaces or wearing a statement necklace over a statement blouse or sweater.
Wearing the Entire Jewelry Box – You’ve heard the statement, “Get dressed and then take one thing off before you head out the door.” If you can take off one piece of jewelry and it doesn’t make a dent, you might be wearing too much. 😉
How to Get Jewelry Just Right
Admittedly, accessorizing isn’t my strong suit. In fact, I under accessorize most of the time. But less is more and less usually equates to looking younger; unless we’re talking about going out with fewer clothes. 😉
Balance and simplicity. If you apply both of these principles to your jewelry, you’re less likely to go wrong.
Balance big with small. If you wear a big statement earring, either skip the necklace or wear something dainty around your neck.
To look classy and lighter, limit rings to one per hand especially if our hands are showing our age. Keep it simple.
If you’re top has a print or pattern, keep necklaces simple or wear none at all. Wear one bold piece at a time.
Remember this look? If you wear statement earrings you can still wear a necklace, just give them each their space. Long, pendant necklace + statement earrings = COOL!

Be Inspired By Youth
If you want to know how to look younger, take cues from the young and beautiful ones. I follow several popular young fashion influencers. Their natural youthfulness would allow them to get away with more and still look young, a luxury that has already passed by those of us in midlife.
But if you’ll take a look, most of them keep the accessories simple. Think about it, the women who are piling on the accessories are usually older to start with.
I’m not sure why this is. Maybe we feel we have to cover up or deflect from what we feel is a deteriorating appearance, when in fact, the opposite is true. The lighter and simpler we keep our style, the fresher and younger we’ll look.
I chose to skip a necklace with the chevron-patterned sweater. The pattern adds detail and neckline covers my decollete’ so no necklace is necessary.
These are Opinions Not Judgements
Again, I remind you that these are my own opinions and observations and they are not meant to call anyone out. I always say that style is unique to the individual, so if you’re all about the bling, continue to do your thing. But if you wonder why you aren’t looking as young as your more simplistic friend or favorite influencers, try removing one (or ten) of your accessories and see how you feel.
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss a post. There are so many more weird things that age us in this “before” photos to discuss and there are lots more “before” photos to see. 😉

The Linkup
- Make some friends and get inspired.
- Visit at least two of the linkup co-hosts accounts.
- Link directly to your fashion post not your homepage.
- Link back to this linkup in your post.

Daenel ~ Living outside the stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter
Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter
Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter, bloglovin
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin, twitter
Julia ~ When the Girls Rule blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest,
Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag blog, instagram, bloglovin, twitter
Lisa ~ Coast to Coast blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest
Paula ~ Dimples on my What blog, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter
Shelly ~ The Queen in Between blog, instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, facebook
Excellent observations! I agree with the jewelry one. I’ve found myself gravitating to just earrings or maybe a necklace too but I’ve given up on bracelets. Plus, if the bracelets are a bit tight on a pudgy arm like mine, it makes my arm/wrist look more pudgy. I definitely think the no-scarf look opens up my neck and face but sometimes the pizazz that comes from the scarf (or the warmth) is worth the head drowning in fabric look, me thinks. Happy new year lady!
We’ve all got to own our inner old lady Julia. My husband always laughs at my old-ladyness when he looks over in the car and I’m clutching my purse on my lap – the entire ride. 😉
I do agree with all of your opinions 🙂 Lise
Thanks so much for stopping by Lise!
What a fun series, Paula, so glad you’re sharing! I’m a bit sheepish when I admit I love scarves and am no stranger to piling jewelry on, LOL!
Thanks for stopping in Kimberly. We all have our “old lady traits”. Mine are granny-panties and holding my purse in my lap when I’m riding in the car. I own them. 😉
You crack me up Paula but you do so while telling the absolute truth and hitting the proverbial nail on the head! Heck yes to the scarf wearing! The over accessorizing too, especially too many rings! Great read my friend!
Thanks, Kellyann! Everybody has their inner old lady traits, mine are wearing granny-panties and holding my purse on my lap in the car or at the movies. I draw the line at calling my purse a “pocket-book”. My mom totally does that.
What should u do with yr purse while riding in a car?
Right! 😂
Why is it called a purse or a pocket book, when it’s a handbag/bag?
Yes, All the unanswered questions about life and fashion. 😉
What a fun and informative article! I often put on a scarf and then take it right back off. LOL!
Thanks Maryanne! I’m the same way. I also can’t stand the rat’s nest a bunched up scarf creates in the back of my hair. 😉
OMG…you crack me up. I think you and I need to have a duel about your rules. I think I can prove the exact opposite of what you are saying. But I hear what you are saying…truly I do. Yet I think there’s a way to make it look wonderful. It’s funny because my post was kinda just the opposite…add more because the plain pieces look boring!!!
Oh, man! You crack me up! I always learn something from you, so keep it up!
It brings me joy to garner a laugh Kim. I’ve been thinking that we need to catch up again soon. It’s been too long. Hope you’re new year looks bright.
Happy New Decade!! I always enjoy reading your posts. Over accessorizing does age women as well as some wig styles.
Yes Neti, same to you. Hope you’re ready to rock “20’s” like no other decade before it. 😉 I’m so glad you noticed the wig. I had one person on Instagram think the “before” photo was actually how I styled myself back in the day. She said, “Your style has evolved a long way.” Yikes!
HI Paula!
You did have me laughing! I have a blanket scarf I bought when it was really trending, with beautiful fall colors. I have yet to figure out how to wear it ( tie it) without it looking like it is wearing me! Too big! Anyhow, I always think there is a lot more “draping” going on after a certain age. I love the mention of jewelry too and feel that less is more.
Great topic!
Happy New Year!!
jess xx
It tickles me pink when I can insight a giggle. “Draping” is a great word for the aging style syndrome. I think moderation is as good an idea in fashion as it is in our lifestyle. 😉
Happy New Year to you too!
This is both hilarious and helpful at the same time!! Very good advice
I’m glad you think so Steph. Maybe I’m going to earn the title, The Funny Fashionista. 😉
LOL So funny that you mentioned scarves because that was on my list as well. And that’s from a chronic scarf wearer {well, before we moved to Louisiana anyway}.
I’ll need to pop over and see your list. I must have gotten to your blog before you posted.
I live in drought stricken, fire plagued Northern California. I haven’t needed a jacket for five years. However, last year we had a little cold spell and I had a jacket emergency. I found a J Jill jacket with the stand up collar in a deep red on eBay. I snapped it up for about $30. I love it! Of course I love the puffer because it doesn’t make me look like a blimp!
You in that big scarf and all the jewelry crack me up! I bought one of those big ones, and quickly discovered that even without too many accessories, my frame is to small, and my neck to short for all that fabric.
Thanks for finding the funny in my example photos. That was my intent.
I have a short neck but I find that as we get older an open neckline is more flattering for the majority of us. If only we all had Audrey Hepburns neck. Right? 😉
I think I have that SAME J Jill jacket Gail! In fact, I have two, on with the standup collar and one with no collar, because I love that it doesn’t make me look like a blimp either. 😉 Here’s a post I wrote about it.
Your Jacket Twin,
Hello. First time here.
I tend to wear less and less jewerly recently. Mainly only small earings [studs].
But I can’t live without scarfs if it’s cold, cool or even windy in lower summer temperature. Otherwise my throat hurts.
Welcome Agnes, so glad you’re here! I think if scarves have a purpose and they are you’re thing, wear them! I always say, where what makes you feel good and it sounds like they literally keep you feeling GOOD. 😘
Didn’t we all have Audrey Hepburn’s neck when we were younger?
I’m not sure I had an Audrey Hepburn neck but now my chin takes up most of the neck I did have. 😂
You may be surprised to find that many mature women don’t want to look younger, but are interested in appearing stylish and current. The tips you have given here may apply to women of all ages who want to improve their style. Age and appearance of age have little to do with it.
I’m not surprised at all Lois. Having grown out my gray hair I agree completely that “younger” isn’t the epitome of beauty we should try to achieve; I’m a grandma and I don’t mind looking like one. However, I have always felt women look “fresher” when they don’t look like they’re trying too hard and that to me means a lighter hand with makeup. But every woman has her own comfort level and style and should do what makes her feel her best because when we feel good we look good.
I like lots of rings. I must be an old narcissist.
I think the most flattering thing we can wear is CONFIDENCE Lana. If wearing rings makes you feel great… Do it!
Paula, your lovely smile is what draws people in, no matter what you’re wearing! You have such a great down-to-earth attitude. I agree with your practical style advice. Easy enough to follow.
I’d like to add:
Have Confidence in yourself;
Have a great smile (like yours); Maintain good posture; Wear well-tailored and clean clothes; Have a good haircut; Use the right amount of makeup; Wear well-fitted shoes (an absolute must!); Keep nails well-trimmed and polished; Wear your prescription eyeglasses (don’t squint!). I’m sure there’s more to add to the list.
Thank you. All of what you siad is absolutely true Candace!
I have agree with you. One other observation, whatever your hair style, keep cut and washed! 3 cans of hairspray should be illegal. Listen to a GOOD hair stylist. She can be your best friend.
Yes, this is key no matter what your age or hair color. A flattering hair style can take years off. In fact, I need to write another post on the hair styles that age you. 😉
Looking great for 57
I clicked thru on pinterest. Very fun read. Is that a wig on your “don’t” pic? If it is, : )) You could have included it. Finally, you look like a million bucks in that jumpsuit. If I were you I’d live in that thing. It might get tricky in bed, but fab is fab.
Thanks Shan. Yes, it’s a cheap wig from a Amazon. 😄
Glad to have you stop by.
The reason we wear jewelry at middle age and beyond is that we can finally afford to have real jewelry. We’ve learned that saving it for special occasions is a total waste and we often wear diamonds with very casual outfits as a badge of honor.
Since buying myself some little diamond studs a couple of years ago (to match necklace and bracelet) I haven’t taken them off. So I have a box full of lovely earrings I never wear. It means I never have to worry what to wear. I don’t wear the matching necklace and bracelet much at all. But I am a dedicated scarf wearer (I collect beautiful scarves of all types) and when the weather gets cool, no-one is going to stop me wearing one.
I love that, “dedicated scarf wearer”. 😉 As I say, wear what you love, that’s the best way to feel confident which always looks fresh and beautiful.