I’m sorry I was MIA around here last week. After getting my son and his family moved the previous weekend, I came home completely wiped out and under the weather for most of the week. I had a few weird chest pains and saw my doctor, who thought I probably just strained some muscles helping in the move and, otherwise, had a bug that was going around.
There were many naps, and I watched my share of movies in between a lot of puttering around the house without getting much done. Let me say this before you do:
It is okay to have a non-productive period and give our bodies and souls rest and a chance to heal!
This week has been much better, and I’m slowly returning to normal life. And even though we’ve woken up to snow twice this week, I got outside for a short walk to begin my knee rehab.
**Since I share shoppable links with awesome peeps like you, this content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action and purchase from one of these links, I’ll make a little money to help keep this blog afloat. As an Amazon associate, I also earn from qualifying purchases.

Caraway Cookware – It cleans up so easy!
What sounds good when you’re sick, tired, and cold? Soup!
Well, soup always sounds good to me. I tried this recipe for hearty Hamburger Soup recipe this week.

I also made this No Knead Homemade bread. I let mine rise for at least 12 hours, but it felt like it lacked full flavor. I was pretty sure I added the salt, but maybe I forgot it. Don’t get me wrong, fresh bread is still delish, but I may play with the recipe next time.
Does everyone have a sick day movie? Sick-day movies are those you’ve seen at least 100 times and can fall asleep at any point because you know exactly what happens. They should also be low-key in pace and volume, with no loud outbursts.
Hands down, my number one sick-day movie is Sense & Sensibility. I “watched” it a couple of times last week and once this week while I took a much-needed nap.
What’s your top sick day movie?

Sweater XL || NYDJ Jeans Old (this year’s version) size 18 || Booties
The big move happened two Saturdays ago, and we stayed over and went to church on Sunday. My outfit was very simple and casual for comfort, and I packed it in a small overnight bag. 😉 I also planned to wear it to a doctor’s appointment at the end of the week, but I rescheduled because of the snow. However, since I was already dressed, I snapped a quick picture.

one || two || three || four || five
I’ve been trying to be less “check-out” happy with my online shopping lately. So I’m trying to put things I want in a shopping cart and then leave it for at least a week before clicking, “check out now.” You’ll find several items in my shopping carts across the interwebs, including a carry case I want to try for personal manicure supplies and inexpensive straight-leg sweats to replace two old favorites which recently succumbed to the dreaded chub-rub wear-thru.

I also had to replace some of my favorite undies as some of mine were getting pretty holey. 😉
Did I ever tell you about the time I taped my favorite underwear together with panty liners? It’s a true story I’ll save for another time, but I bought this multi-pack in size XXL since I didn’t want a repeat story.
Although, I’m not good to do what needs doing. 😉
Read more about my favorite panties and the pantyliner story here.

Last weekend grandson number five, Josiah, turned 7! He celebrated with friends at SkyZone but chose to celebrate with us at Culvers on Sunday afternoon. I can’t believe he was so happy to have his picture taken (he’s usually the one who says “no” when the camera comes out), but he was pretty pumped about getting his requested rubber band bracelet-making kit.
I’m still adjusting to our new normal of not having my youngest son and the four grandbabies close. It’s a grieving process and one that still has me crying when I least expect it.
But even in my grief, I can’t help but feel like God has something new for me in this season too. This song and this version have been my jam lately. Jesus and I have had some intense communion getting down with this. (In case you’re wondering, this is my favorite style of music.)
It’s a new season, it’s a new day.
Fresh anointing, is flowing my way.
It’s a season of power and prosperity;
It’‘s a new season, coming to me.
I don’t believe in a “prosperity” gospel even though the lyrics say, “a season of power and prosperity.” I like to think that, in this case, it means “favor.” When we seek God and are willing to walk in His will, His favor and anointing will be on us, even when we’re walking through hard things.
The song also has a tagline that says,
All that is lost will be returned to you a hundredfold,
tried in the fire, but we’re coming out gold.
Regardless of what we’re facing, the strongholds that threaten to keep us bound by our fears, addictions, or spiritual warfare, the hope we find when we a willing to accept God’s plan for us is FREEING!
So when Martha breaks out in Diana Ross’s “I’m coming out,” I refuse to hear that phrase as the world does. Instead, it’s a proclamation that I will not be bound by confusion, doubt, and fear. I have assurance in God’s favor.
That being said, I still don’t know what He’s calling me to do. If only God would send emails, send a text, or have someone drop in with a word of knowledge. 😉 But I reckon he would say to me, “Now Paula, where’s the faith in that?”
Have a great week, my friend! Remember, God loves you, and so do I.

Glad you’re feeling better. Sense and Sensibility – one of my all time favorite movies! I just LOVE the end when she finds out Edward isn’t married! ❤️
Have you tried any of the period underwear? I wouldn’t need them for that because I’m post menopause but I think they’re supposed to be sweat proof too.
Although I’ll say I love cotton panties the best but haven’t really found any that don’t as you say cause the muffin top. I’m one of those who likes granny panties. 🤷♀️ They are just comfortable. The drawback? I sweat down there pretty easily and cotton just gets wet. Sigh… I may try the ones you recommended.
Thanks Gina! Yes. I tried one kind of period underwear, but they don’t come in a large enough size for me that they don’t cause muffin top or worse, giant indents at my thighs (my problem area). It’s interesting because i find cotton so much cooler than any synthetic fabrics, especially if it’s a cotton stretch. The Natori ones are so lightweight and breathable. And no muffin top in sight!
I made your delicious tortellini soup this past week (now one of my family’s favorite), which got me to wondering “Where is Paula”! I was getting close to DMing you! You certainly have been through a big family upheaval, which can definitely affect your health. I’ll be praying for God’s healing for you, both physically and emotionally. Sometimes adulting is sooo hard, especially, where family is concerned. I chuckled when you said you wore some jeans! I did as well for the first time in what seems months. They reminded me of why I love my joggers! I’ll have to check out the undies. I normally wear Warners hi-cut briefs but am always looking for a new style. I’m a big “sweater” down there so I watch the fabric content. Wishing you well for a new week and thank you for the inspiration with your words of wisdom and music! ❤️❤️
Thanks for thinking of me Regina. I’m definitely in the upswing physically. Now I’m just waiting for our weather to get better so I can get outside more. We had more snow last night! 😫
I own the version with Allan Rickman and Kate Winslet. And I watch it often. My kids moved far away too. I understand and sometimes I too am asking God my purpose these days.
YES, to me that’s the ONLY version. 😉 Every actor is sooo GOOD. You really hate Fanny from the get go.
Hugs to you!
Hi Paula. Glad you’re feeling better. Praying for you about the grandkids move. 🙏 #5 is adorable! Happy birthday young man!
Love Cindy.
Thank you! I’m finally on the upswing and if it would stop snowing, things would be looking even better. 😉
Glad to hear that you are feeling better! My sick day movie is “The Heiress”, but I love “Sense and Sensibility”, too. In fact, I like most of the Jane Austen adaptations that were done in the 90’s (“Persuasion” is my favorite).
We were the ones to do the moving, leaving our daughter and her family in Alaska when we moved from there last year. I was just getting to spend time with them, but when God says to move you move! I am at the time in my life when I am wondering what my purpose is as well, especially in this new place where I was not expecting to live.
Thanks Sarah! We were the ones to do the moving when our boys were in kindergarten and 1st grade so I now understand both sides of it. 😕
God has a plan for us (you) but I’m wondering if instead thinking it needs to be some big “aha” moment, if God is calling us to bloom in exactly we’re we are; in roles we carry out every day? The woman at the grocery store; neighbor, church member, mom, grandma? 🤔 Just thinking out loud.
Thanks for the movie suggestions. I’ve never hear of The Heiress and I’ll have to find Persuasion and watch.
I know what you mean about finding just the right underwear. I have recently (last couple of years) been wearing ladies boxers. Gives me protection from chafing, can be used as a slip, doesn’t cut me off around the tops of my legs where they join my torso. I’ve been fairly satisfied with two different brands, but just last week found what may be perfection at Soma. I don’t usually want to spend the price that they are, but I’m feeling they are worth it. I’ve determined to slowly replace what I’ve bought over the last few years with these new boxers from Soma.
Rest days are a must! We have our oldest daughter and her three kids living with us. She recently moved back to the States after living in Prague, Czech Republic, for 17 years. With that many extra people around, I definitely know peace and quiet are a necessity! 🙂
Ohhh, I didn’t know Soma had boxers! I’ll have to check them out.
Yes, we always say, “We love it when they come, but we also love it when they go.” 😁
Gosh, I must be weird. I don’t have a sick day movie because when I’m truly sick watching tv makes me even more sick. That’s weird, right? Yeah, it’s weird! I think the “bugs” out there have had this three year period to grow some extra muscles and attack when we’re down even a little bit. I’m starting my second cold (first Covid test is negative…gonna take number two tomorrow) since Christmas. I haven’t had a cold for several years! I hope you’re soon completely rested and feeling fabulous!
My only problem with putting stuff in my cart and walking away is I forget that stuff is in there and then add stuff after I’ve forgotten about the first stuff! Yeah, I end up buying stuff, way too much stuff!
When my daughter lived on the East Coast and I wasn’t retired, it was so hard. We would talk on the phone almost daily, but it still wasn’t the same. Now, we live just minutes away from each other and rarely talk. Maybe it’s because she’s in that ultra-busy stage of parenthood. But, your son and his family are on a wonderful path!
If April 1st is open, I’d like to invite you to a mini-retreat at my church where I’m the presenter. If you have plans, or that makes you feel slightly “oh, I’ve got a stalker-y” kind of way, I’m ok with that! I just thought I’d let you know.
Take care, Paula!
The beauty of a sick day movie is I don’t watch it, I essentially listen and then go to sleep. I’m weird in that I like a low murmur of talking to go to sleep but white noise and music put me edge for sleeping.
Thanks for the invite, I don’t think you’re a stalker at all, and if we end up not going to my son’s that weekend, I’ll be in touch for the deets. I’ll be praying for you either way. 😘
My go to movies are ”You’ve Got Mail” or “Pride and Prejudice”, the Colin Firth version. I think I could watch them both any day! Glad you’re feeling better. I’m ready for summer and watermelon 😉
Oh yes, WATERMELON! Me too. Another good one is Sleepless in Seattle.