Kickin’ A Blogging Rule to the Curb
Or am I?
Hello 2018! I’m calling this look: Curvy Hipster Biker Chick on the Prairie. When I styled this cute gingham wrap skirt from the Australian boutique, Bohemian Traders for running errands on a cold day, I had intended to use the photos in a blog post specifically about the wrap skirt itself. But, I decided to use it to “tie into” my plans to find direction for dimples on my WHAT? in 2018. This entire look actually fits this topic perfectly and here’s why.

Bohemian Traders Wrap Skirt – I’m Wearing an XL || – bifocal readers
I Don’t Fit a Mold
Since I started blogging I’ve been searching for my voice. I’ve researched and read endless articles on the proper way to blog. How to build a following on social media to grow my numbers. How to drive more readers to the blog. And here I am, in my second full year of blogging and I’m still kind of confused. I feel like I have to scratch and beg for every “like” and “follow” I’ve gained even though I think I’m putting out quality work.
Almost every blogging expert will tell you to find ONE NICHE and stick with it! I think I’d love for someone to tell me what my niche is. But when I really think about it, do I really want that?

Wear leggings under a summer skirt to make it winter friendly!
One of a Kind and Kind of All Over
There are plenty of over 50 bloggers. Numerous bloggers who are confidently curvy. However, I am one of a minority of bloggers who are over 50 AND curvy. And I really do love being able to inspire women to dress confidently and accept their bodies no matter the size or age. So shouldn’t that be my blog niche?
When I think back to why I started blogging, it was never my intent for dimples on my WHAT? to be exclusively about that. It was going to be a part of it, but the blog was to be an outlet for my thoughts, opinions and stories.
See, I’ve never fit ONE particular niche. Even in high school, I didn’t fit any one group or clique. I wasn’t popular, but I wasn’t exactly a nerd. I wasn’t an academic, but I wasn’t dumb. I was musical, but I wasn’t a band or choir geek. And let’s just say, sports were NOT my thing. I can’t run without tooting and then laughing and then it’s all mayhem and tinkles. 😉 So, it’s not just my age. Ha! I’m completely average and trying to fit into one group has always been an exercise in futility for me.
Carving My Own Niche
I’m here to tell you that I’m going to stop trying to fit a mold. If that means that this blog will never be successful and will never become a source of income for me, so be it. But, that doesn’t mean I’m going to hang it up.
New Year, New Plan
I have always been an over sharer. I can keep a secret if you tell me one, but I don’t keep secret recipes or style tips. And in that same vein, I love helping peeps out by sharing or over sharing from my own experiences. So, here are some of the things you’re going to find on this little block of the web this year. Some of them are BIG. Some are small and trivial. And others are VERY personal to me. So keep reading to find out the BIGS…..
What’s On Tap
Style tips. The curvy, cozy-chic style isn’t going anywhere. I’m still searching for great jeans, underwear and THE PERFECT BRA. When I find them – you will know. And, my body positive message will still be present.
Makeup and style tutorials. I plan to add more videos to my YouTube channel. Mascara for non-existent lashes. How to create beach waves in hair that resist curls. Maybe even some DIY home projects.
Product Reviews. I love new products. But, I also stick with tried and true staples that I love. And I don’t keep secrets, remember? I’m going to telling you the products that I have tested and I don’t like and why that is.

You’ll see sides of me you haven’t yet seen. And they won’t always be flattering! 😉
Up close and Personal
Okay, these next two things are the BIGGIES!
Going gray. I’ve already started the conversation about this here, but I’m really close to starting the process to stop coloring my hair and grow out the gray. As that happens, I’ll be sharing the emotional and physical journey of the change. But here’s the rub, I’m not certain that I can handle two major emotional changes to my appearance at once and the next one is one of the scariest to think about.
Keeping you a-BREAST of changes. In the coming weeks, I will be having surgery to have my 17 year old breast implants removed. Dun, Dun, Dun! Yes, a portion of the “G(H)-sisters” are silicone. The procedure is called an explant and I have struggled a little with sharing this. However, if my intent is to help others through my own experiences, this will be the perfect opportunity to help other women who could be dealing with some of the same health issues I have.
So from start to finish, and including everything that led me to make this decision will be chronicled for the express purpose of educating other women before, during and after the decision to place or remove breast implants. I’m so ready to get my health back, but to be quite honest, I’m freaked out beyond measure. Your support and prayer will be a necessary elixir to my fragile emotions.
The Funny Side of Life
Laugh it up. As always, I love to find the funny in the mundane stuff of life. I’ll still try to lace everything I say with a little bit of humor. Some faithful followers have given me the idea to write a book of humorous short stories. It certainly has me thinking and wondering if I can find the diligence and discipline it would take to make that happen. But the seed has been planted, so we’ll see where that goes this year. What would you think about that? Would you read it?
Tying It Back to the Wrap Skirt
Get it? 😉
Who says a woman over 50 can’t dress like a hipster or biker chick? Not everybody would pair a moto jacket with a “prairie” style skirt. Today I might wear this and dress in athleisure tomorrow. But we all march to the beat of our own drum. Like this outfit that doesn’t fit a single style or trend, this blog is going to bust the single niche rule right in the face!
I’m scared about it. There’s a place in each of us that wants to fit in and be liked by absolutely everyone. We bloggers all dream of waking up and checking our stats to find a post has gone viral and we’ve grown by thousands in one night. But I’m going to try to buck that trend too and stay true to myself even if that means I build it and nobody comes.
But Then Came You
But, YOU are already here! And you’re important! You’re my tribe. My community. My territory. If I can help even ONE woman feel better about herself then I’ll count this endeavor a success. If I can help you find a great pair of panties, have courage to do what you need to do to take control of your health, or simply make you giggle a little, then this is not for naught.
Thanks for hanging with me this far. Stick around, I’m just getting started!
Head on over to the sidebar and sign up for post updates…. it’s under “Don’t Miss a Post“.
I’m so relating to your post! I too feel I’m begging and scratching for every follower. I have decided, learning through the wisdom of those I follow, to not worry about it too much. Just do what you do and enjoy yourself. I’m enjoying the creative process. It gets me out of bed and makes me make a bigger effort in getting dressed. I’m not getting as many followers as I would like, I’m not getting brands to represent, I’m definitely not making money. I’m having fun and being me! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I love your blog and following you. I feel your each and every post/blog and thought! xo Cindy
Thanks so much for your encouragement Cindy. The struggle is real when we see so many others growing so fast or getting a bazillion “likes” on photos that just don’t measure up in my eye. I also get disenchanted with the shallowness of some of it. “Here’s a scripture while I show you this photo of my side boob.” You know what I mean? Maybe that’s the problem with my account – not enough side boob. 😉
GREAT post! There is no such thing as oversharing when we are all together on life’s journey. I come here to see your smiles and enjoy the humor. Never stop being yourself my dear and the rest will follow. . .
You are woman with a gift in encouragement. Thanks for the affirmation to continue to be myself.
You are doing an awesome job! I love reading your posts. Can’t wait to see what this year brings.
Thanks for always supporting me Angel. I have to keep reminding myself that even my “territory” is a small one, then that’s who God intends it for.
I follow your blog because you are over 50 and curvy. We have been blogging for two years also and can’t find our niche but we carry on. If you do find a bra that works I very much want to hear about it. I did a post a couple of weeks ago about finding a good fitting bra. Good luck with your surgery.
I do have several bra suggestions. At this point though, I’m can’t fully approve any bra as they all feel terrible on me. But I may just put my own weird sensory issues aside and tell you guys the ones I like.
You just made my day with one hilarious line: “I can’t run without tooting and then laughing and then it’s all mayhem and tinkles.”
With this visual, I am now your devoted, lifelong follower!
And I can’t tell you how excited I am to follow along in your journey of going grey. My daughter informed me that she will not be covering her grey and that I might want to consider how that will look as she stand next to me. She is completely confident in her skin–even as it changes! I need to be more like her!
The running and tooting thing has been a lifelong problem. My dad has always says, “Paula can’t play ball, she can’t stop laughing.” It must be an adrenaline thing too.
If you write your book of funnies you know I will buy it! I would love that 😃
You’ll be the first to read it.
I think you are fun and interesting. I will continue to follow you. I have never fit a mold. I too was a part of almost all the social groups back in high school, but I have never wanted to be the popular girl. In personality and psych tests, I never fall into one group. I am a health sprinkle of enigma.
I wear what I want, and I employ black humor immediately to those ridiculous enough to try to put me in my place with comments about my clothes or hair or whatever.
After going from long to short hair in my early 40’s, a man at church once said to me that he preferred long hair on women. I promptly asked him if he wanted to see my legs! I hope I have saved a more sensitive person from hearing his pompous comments.
I don’t have a website, and I don’t follow very many due to limited time. So, your blog is one of very few I bother with.
Be yourself, and blog on!
I am so flattered to be among a few of your special people. Sometimes we just connect with someone. I’ve always be drawn to authenticity. I feel like I can spot a fake a mile away. And I agree, never let anybody trivialize you! XO
Hang in there, I always look forward to your blogs, its so refreshing to connect with other women who aren’t afraid to be REAL!!! There is so much pressure to always have it all together, like everything must be perfect, our body, our house, our marriage, our children (our blog?!). Heaven forbid should we show a flaw!! Common sense tells us we should know better, but like most women, I still get caught up in that cycle of trying to measure up. Thank you for the courage to be REAL, carry on!!
Oh Nancy,
If I’m nothing else, I’m certainly flawed. But I’ve been created just the way God wanted me. We have a friend who says that “your story isn’t for you.” So, I WILL carry on, because so many times we’re just afraid to say what we think or feel because we think we’re alone. But how will someone know they’re not unless you have the courage to be real.
Just found your blog…what a delight! So much in it that I can relate to!
I’m SO glad you found me too Deb. Hope you’ll stick around. Maybe I’ll get more consistent at posting and we can have a regular date over a cup of coffee. 😉