Mom Jeans Reinvented

What’s Old is New Again

Mom Jeans”. Nobody with any fashion sense at all wants to be caught dead in mom jeans. But I for one, have been wearing mom jeans for a while now. Hey! I’m a mom. I wear jeans. Hence, Mom Jeans. Oh, I know, that’s NOT what Mom Jeans really means. But with a little restyling, Mom Jeans are SO much better than they were years ago. So keep reading if you want to hear my “mother load” of thoughts on mom jeans. See what I did there? And what some of my current favorite mom jeans are.

Mom Jeans Reinvented | My Favorite Mom Jeans | Fashion Over 40 | Fashion for Curvy WomenPin this image on Pinterest

New Year – New Things – New Group

This is my first post of 2018. It also coincides with the first Tuesday of the month, which means it’s time for another Ageless Style Link Up. We are starting the New Year with some new faces in our group. Welcome to  Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag and Lisa of Classic Style by Lisa. You can find all of their links below.

We’re also adding a guest co-host each month. Our first co-host of 2018 is Samantha from Keep scrolling down and drop by Samantha and our other hosts blogs to say “HI”  and link up your own fashion post. It’s a great way to meet new bloggers and get style inspiration.

If you’re new to this link up, we are a group of bloggers over the age of 40, who choose a fashion theme each month, put our own unique twist on it and share it with you. This month we’re talking about bringing back styles that were once in vogue and how we wear them now. I chose mom jeans because I didn’t think I could write an entire post and style an entire outfit around hair scrunchies.

I’m not sure where you stand on scrunchies, but I’m team “NEVER STOPPED” using them. They are soft and easier on my hair. And in my opinion give a bit of balance to thin pony tail coming out of a large head. But….

Let’s talk MOM JEANS

Fall Fashion | Women Over 50 | Fashionable Over 50 | Plus Sized FashionPin this image on Pinterest

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Mom Jeans Reinvented | Fashion for Curvy WomenPin this image on Pinterest
Why do you think Mom Jeans have gotten such a bad rap? I think there are a couple of reasons fashionistas and stylist have deemed Mom Jeans a fashion “DON”T.

 Every decade there will be a style or two that we think are the cat’s meow and will never go out of style. And every decade we’re wrong – to a degree. A style will go away for a while but will return in a reincarnated version. The 80’s not withstanding, it’s usually better. 😉

 Remember “jams”? Those M.C. Hammer, elastic waisted, billowy pants? Hello, Palazzo Pants! A more streamlined version of this comfortable style might just be our beloved athleisure staple – JOGGERS!

What Went Wrong

Here’s what I think made Mom Jeans of the past a bane to the fashion conscious and fodder for skit comediennes. It boils down to two main flubs:

The Color – I’m looking at you stone wash!  I won’t even give acid washed the time of day.

The Shirt Tuck – A full, all-in, tight shirt tuck, coupled with the very high waist can make even the best rear view look like it’s as tall Empire State Building. We want our LEGS to look long. Not our buns!

(Other contributors to the fault of this fashion “miss” could be white Keds, camp shirts and satellite dish bangs. But that’s for another day.)

Mom Jeans Re-Invented

Mom Jeans are actually awesome! The waist is high enough to keep them from riding down and settling into your C-section or hysterectomy scar. We’re MOMS, we don’t have time to pull our jeans  up over our belly every time we sit down! (If you wore low rise jeans, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.)

The first clothier that added stretch to denim should win a Nobel Prize! How did we ever survive (or sit down) before that?

With a bit of styling and attention to details, I think we can wear a high waist jean with confidence today. Keeping in mind the two elements that I think sunk the high waist jeans the first time (Or was it the second or third time in history that high waists came back?), here’s what to look for in your New and Improved Mom Jeans today.

The Wash

If acid washed jeans taught us anything, it’s that we should stick to rinses and colors that are simple and classic. Dark washes are always in style and are, of course, more slimming. We can go lighter, but don’t get crazy with fading and whiskering. NO big faded spots on the hinny and thighs. Let those assets “shine” on their own.

Also, a bit of distressing can be okay. But I still think simple is best and less likely to come back haunting us in old photos at our 50th wedding anniversary party. In other words, keep rips and distressing to a minimum for posterity sake.

The Tuck

I rarely tuck my shirt in any more. Number one, with my bust size, a full tuck into high waist jeans makes it look like I have no waist. I’ll be tucking more than my shirt into my waist band pretty soon if you know what I mean.

But whether you’re large or small chested, a side tuck or a half tuck is more flattering. It leaves the back of your shirt out to conceal the high waist and keep your derriere from looking ginormous.

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It’s just that simple. As always, wear what makes you happy and feel good. Find a leg style that you like and that flatters you and wear your Mom Jeans with confidence.

I’ve included some of my favorite Mom Jeans in the links (affiliate) below. Yes, some are a little pricey. But I wear them over and over.  

I have also included some from Old Navy that a lot of bloggers like. They are around $33 at the time of this post. I haven’t tried them yet, but may do it when my January spending freeze is over.


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This Party Has a Few Guidelines:
  • Have fun and make some new friends! Please visit at least 2 other links.
  • Please link to your actual post and not your blog’s homepage.
  • Please link back to the Ageless Style Link Up in your linked post.
  • Feel free to use #AgelessStyleBloggers in all of your social media posts
  • Please follow each of your hosts on at least one social media channel via the links below.

 Cathy ~ Cathy V Style blog, instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter

Daenel ~ Living outside the stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, instagram, facebook, twitter, bloglovin

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin, twitter

Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag blog, instagram, bloglovin, twitter

Lisa ~ Classic Style by Lisa blog, facebook, instagram,

Paula ~ Dimples on my What blog, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between blog, instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, facebook

Our Guest

Samantha from

ageless style link up | Samantha fakefabulous.comPin this image on Pinterest


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  1. Hair scrunchies….hahaha! I used to own like, I don’t know, a thousand of them! For me, mom jeans, or anything high-waisted for that matter, really don’t work on me. I have the shortest waist ever. High-waisted jeans would be like me wearing a denim jumpsuit…lol. You on the other hand, look magnificent!

    • Paula

      A denim jump suit… :-O ! You might like the Wit and Wisdom jeans then. They are more of a mid-rise. I prefer those if I’m going to do much of any kind of tuck. Otherwise, it looks like I’m just tucking them up under my boobs.

  2. jodie filogomo

    Isn’t it amazing how we hate a style and then love them again, Paula??
    And sometimes you have to shake your head and just go with the flow!!
    Happy 2018

    • Paula

      Ha Ha Jodie… I struggle to embrace some of the “flow” that comes into style. 😉 But I agree, we can find a way to wear a trend that is flattering to us.

  3. I love your posts! I truly LOL! And I wear scrunchies too! Always have!
    You always look amazing! Mom jeans or not!
    I appreciate your posts and inspiration!

    • Paula

      Thanks for always reading Cindy. We may need to form a Scrunchie Queens Group…”Hair that crunches – grab your scrunchies”!

  4. OMG, Paula! I totally just laughed right out loud at the section on the tuck! And yes, I know exactly what you mean! I also agree with all of this about mom jeans. And I do want my jeans to come up close to my belly button, hold in my muffin top, and not expose my butt crack, thank you very much! I have found the most wonderful jeans for this in Torrid, just an FYI! All of your outfits are marvelous! I adore your style. Happy New Year to you!


    • Paula

      I’ve tried the Torrid jeans also Shelbee. I can’t remember now what is was that kept me from buying. Maybe they were too skinny? At any rate, I never write off any brand…. I hated NYDJ when I first tried them a bunch of years ago. But you just never know when a style will fit YOU to a “T”!

  5. /

    Your tips for how-not-to wear mom jeans would apply to any style, I think. One of the classic characteristics of mom jeans that you didn’t mention was an elastic waist that tends to enlarge the tummy and rear-end. Thanks for sharing you styling insights and for the link up.


    • Paula

      Oh yes Rena! I have a post to do one day with photos of how those elastic waists (and short capris) are not only and assault to our style but an instant age increaser! 😉

  6. /

    So many great jean looks, Paula! Love the first one so much and must recreate when it warms up a bit. As always, you had me laughing all about mom jeans, and scrunchies, and tucks. 🙂

    • Paula

      Yes Jennie! It will have to warm up A LOT before I’ll be wearing that outfit again.

  7. Hi Paula!
    I’m so pleased to have found your blog and I love your ‘Mom jeans’ tips and tricks.
    I too have just (re) bought a pair and am enjoying styling them!

    Thank you so much for letting me join you this month.
    It has been fun!

    • Paula

      Thanks so much for stopping by Samantha – AND for joining us!

  8. Oh my goodness, this is brilliant! Mom jeans are back and better than ever – thank goodness because enough of that muffin top business and seeing a “whale tail” – blech! I agree with the problems of the past, it seems mom jeans needed a time out to get themselves right and return better than ever!

    • Paula

      I love that analogy… style time out!

  9. Love me some high waisted jeans! Also, the January spending freeze has been a failure so far for me. It starts today though…I think 😉

    • Paula

      Yeah, I’ve cheated a little. But, I’m not going to beat myself up over it. Most of it went back anyway. But, I think it’s easier when I focus on another area – like something in the house. It lets me do a little shopping but not purchase clothing. It’s a baby step, but it works.

  10. Kim

    A world of wisdom spoken here! I need to keep reminding myself that although things eventually come back into fashion, there is a twist! I don’t need to be a wardrobe hoarder!

    Great post!

    • Paula

      It’s really hard to remember that when you love a style so much. It’s like me and kimonos. And pajamas. And sweaters. And booties…… 😉

  11. Love your take on Mom jeans. I have never worn low rise, too much to cover here, but found a fabulous pair of high waisted mom jeans over the summer at the thrift store and they are so comfortable.

    • Paula

      Yes, I’m covering quite a bit too… even some jeans labeled mid-rise or high-waist won’t come up over my caboose…. it must be REALLY tall, even out of Mom jeans. 😉

  12. This is the first time ever that I have like 6 prs of jeans. I wear a mid rise and get them at Macy’s. I need to trek over to Nordstrom’s though and see what they have.

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